The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


Mosis, 97L; De Virtutibus, see In Flaccum,
esp. 1 if.; distinguished from other con­
temporary writers, 74; Exposition, 38-40,
42; family, 64-66; flattery, s.v.; gregarious-
ness, 82; idealistic language, 1; indirection,
s.v. Philo, caution; In Flaccum, 7-12, 13,
151., 30, 1 oof.; influence on later Christian
tradition, 100, ii4f., noi.; interpretation
of Scriptures, 42, 58, 61, 67, 74; kingship,
theory of, 141., 19, 43-63, 90-119; Legatio,
12-19, 102-113; Messianic hope, s.v. Mes­
siah; Mystery, s.v.; monotheism, s.v.; notion
of law, s.v. law; notion of Logos, s.v.
Logos; opinion of Roman rulers, 6f., 131.,
21, 23-25, 27, 30L, 33, 34, 38-40, 63, 103,
107-109; parallels with Augustine, 83-85;
political activity, if., 16, 28, 32, 42, 64, 66-
68, 86; political status, 3f.; politicus, 27,
66; Pythagorean sources, s.v. Pythagorean;
representative of contemporary thought, 45L,
71, 73; State, 48, 76-79, 86f.; vacillation
between contemplative and active life, 27-
29, 66-76, 81-85; writings, 1, 7, 29, 64, 68
philosopher king, 87
q>d6vog, s.v. Envy
Plato and Platonism, 22, 23n., 45, 46n., 47n.,
49, 5m., 53n., 6in., 67n., 69, 73, 8if., 83,
84f., 87, 88, 92, 121
Plutarch, 54
pogrom, 1, 4, 8, 14, 15
politicus, 21-33, 43-63, 66, 75
Polybius, 36, 50, 93n.
Pompey, 46
Pope, see Roman Pontiff
Poseidonius, 45n.
Potiphar, 51
Potiphar's wife, 5 of.
prefect, 19, 22L, 291., 52, 55f., 57, 90, 101;
see also politicus
Premerstein, von A., 36n.
priest, 93, 97f., 99
property, 94
pseudo-Platonic Menexenos, 87
Ptolemy Philadelphus, 94n.
Pythagorean, 2, 23n., 44n., 451., 53n., 54,
61, 71, 75n., 87n., 90, 91, 94, 96-99, 105,


IGHT REASON," 27, 3of., 74, 80, 94

. riots, 16, 17, 18
Ritter, S., I2n.
Rohde, E., 53n.
Roman, audience, see s.v. gentiles, esp. 10,
38f., 52, 63, no; criticism of Gaius, 108L;
opinion of Jews, 4, 35-38, 41, 52; respect

for rights and privileges of Jews, 10, 11,
14, 19, 57, 58, 101; rulers, 5-7, 14L, 22-
27, 29-41, 43-63, 88f., 100-110, 113
Roman Pontiff, 45
Rosenberg, 36n.
Rostovtzeff, M. I., 65n.
rulership, see s.v. king


AGE, 83L, 9if., 98
Sarah, 83
Sceptics, 69
Schiirer, E., 9, 11, 35n.
Scott, K., 44n.
Sejanus, 11
cre^ivoTTig, s.v. majesty
Seneca, 44n., 93n.
Septuagint, 33, 39, 51, 55, 58
Silanus, Marcus, 131., 106
Social-mindedness, s.v. xoivovia
society, 68-76, 81
Socrates, 49n.
Sophia, 99
sovereignty, 86
State, 2, 48, 69, 76-79, 80-82, 86f.
Stein, E. M., 8n., 23n.
Sthenidas, 46n., 9111., 95n., 96, 97n.
Stoics, 2, 23n., 44n., 48, 51, 69, 73, 76n., 77,
79, 83, 84f., 91, 93n., 96, io6n.
Suetonius, 44n., 65n., 90, i03n., io5n., io6n.,
io7n., 108, 109
oru|xPov^og, s.v. legate
"superfluous arrogance," 34f., 80


ACITUS, 65n., 90, I05n.
Talmud, 113
Tarn, W. W., 44n.
deloc;, s.v. "divine"
Themistius, 44n.
Therapeutae, 68
Tiberius Alexander, 7, 13, 14L, 19, 31, 65, 88,
101, I02f., no, in
TOVTO, 116
Treitel, L., 69m
truth, 30L
xuqjog, s.v. "arrogance"
TVjcn, s.v. Fortune
tyranny, 44, 81, 82, 86, 88, 93, esp. 100, 101,
io8n., 122

|JLPIAN, 55n.


IRTUE, 691., 82, 87, 102, 115, 116, 117
Vitellius, 38
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