The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


6151, 624, 751, 758, 8o7r, 8o8r, 888, 889,
903, 906, 9991
, n6ir, 1289, I29ir
Sikes, W. W., 1410
Silber, Eucharius, 1587
Silberschlag, E., 729
Simon Beuilaqua, see Beuilaqua
Simon, A., H46r
Simon, D. W., 1383
Singer, C, 785
Sitzler, J., 43ir (4), 43*r
Sixtus Riessinger, 1508
Smith, B. T. D., 1400
Societa Italiana, 439
Sophianus, Michael, 230
Sophianus, Nicolaus, 81, 99
Sophronius, 1429
Soulier, H., 1058
Sozomen, Hermias, 1436
Squarzaficus, H., 1549, 1574
Spira, Vindelinus de, 1515, 1518
Stahelin, F., 686
Staehle, K., 1200
Stahlin, O., 43ir (6), 432r, 437r (3), 492r
(2), 69or, 69ir, 778, 8o8r, 8i2r, 823^
862r, 1304^ 1418
Staerk, W., 646
Stahl, E. H., 565
Stahl, J. M., 1290
Stearns, W. N., 771
Steffes, J. P., 1207
Stegmann, B. A., 1103
Stegmann, O., 640
Stein, E. M., 492, 657, 733, 910, 911, 912,
Steinhart, C. H. A., 875
Steuchus, 828, 1470
Steur, K., 973
Stevenson, H., 11
Stieren, A., 1419
Stock, St. G., 1303, 1306
Stolz, F., 879r
Stornajolo, C, 21
Str., H., n6ir
Strathmann, H., 642
Strigel, Victorinus, 979
Struvius, B. G., 521
Suidas, 917, 1429, 1451, 1575
Summaripa, G., 1535
Swainson, C. A., 1064
Sweet, H., 1449
Swete, H. B., 895
Sweynheym, Conradus, and Pannartz, Ar-
noldus, 1509, 151 o, 1514
Symeon Logothetes, 278
Szold, H., 1010


., D., 974f
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius, 1515, 1523
Tappe, G., 824
Tarn, W. W., 787
Tasker, R. V. G., I375r
Tatianus, 1415
Taylor, S., 593
Techert, M., 1501
Tengnageln, Sebastian, 172
Ter-Avetissian, S., 358
Thackeray, H. St. J., 976
Thalemann, C. G., 11 n
Theiler, W., 8i2r, 969, i20or
Theodorus de Regazonibus, see Regazonibus
Theodosius Melitenos, see Melitenos
Theophilus Antiochenus, 1417
Theophilus Georgius, 519
Theotokos, Nicephorus H., see Nicephorus
Theuet, A., 1210
Tholuck, Andre, 1379
Thomas Aquinas, see Aquinas
[Thompson, E.], 473
Thompson, J. M., 1401
Thorelli, J. J., 594
Thorndike, L., 1198
Thrasybulus, C, see Clauser
Thumb, A., 879r
Tiberius Alexander, 1515, 1523, 1535, 1550,
Tideman, B., 1256, 1265, 1268
Tiktin, S., 1152
Tilden, F. W., 478
Tischendorf, C, 10, 280-282, 422
Tittmann, C. C, 1202
Todd, J. F., 1350
Tollinton, R. B., 661
Tours, P. de, 480
Toussaint, C, 1359
Tracy, S., 789, n 83
Trapezuntius, Georgius, 1511, 1533, 1571,
Treitel, L., 492, 623, 643, 647, 909, 996, ion,
1020, 1051, 1079, 1167, 1195
Triglandius, J., 1215-1217
Tritheim, Johann, 1469, 1564
Trotti, G., 662
Trubetzkoi, S. N., 616
Tscherikover, A. [V.], 719
Tschuschke, A., 881
Turnebus, A., 49, 80, 88, 100, 102, 284, 391,
398, 402, 452, 458, 460
Turowski, E., 966
Turrianos, Nikolaos, 215
Typhernas, Lilius, 322, 330-334
Tz., E., 626r
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