Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 221

SOLUTION If we letXibe the amount consumed by theith member of the sample,
i=1,..., 25, then the desired probability is


X 1 +···+X 25

> 150

=P{X> 150 }

whereXis the sample mean of the 25 sample values. Since we can regard theXias being
independent random variables with mean 147 and standard deviation 62, it follows from
the central limit theorem that their sample mean will be approximately normal with mean
147 and standard deviation 62/5. Thus, withZbeing a standard normal random variable,
we have

P{X> 150 }=P

X− 147


150 − 147


≈.404 ■


  1. Plot the probability mass function of the sample mean ofX 1 ,...,Xn, when
    (a) n=2;
    (a) n=3.
    Assume that the probability mass function of theXiis

P{X= 0 }=.2, P{X= 1 }=.3, P{X= 3 }=.5

In both cases, determineE[X]and Var(X).

  1. If 10 fair dice are rolled, approximate the probability that the sum of the values
    obtained (which ranges from 20 to 120) is between 30 and 40 inclusive.

  2. Approximate the probability that the sum of 16 independent uniform (0, 1)
    random variables exceeds 10.

  3. A roulette wheel has 38 slots, numbered 0, 00, and 1 through 36. If you bet
    1 on a specified number, you either win 35 if the roulette ball lands on that
    number or lose 1 if it does not. If you continually make such bets, approximate the

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