Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 471


  1. A purification process for a chemical involves passing it, in solution, through a
    resin on which impurities are adsorbed. A chemical engineer wishing to test the
    efficiency of 3 different resins took a chemical solution and broke it into 15 batches.
    She tested each resin 5 times and then measured the concentration of impurities
    after passing through the resins. Her data were as follows:

Concentration of Impurities
Resin I Resin II Resin III
.046 .038 .031
.025 .035 .042
.014 .031 .020
.017 .022 .018
.043 .012 .039

Test the hypothesis that there is no difference in the efficiency of the resins.

  1. We want to know what type of filter should be used over the screen of a cathode-
    ray oscilloscope in order to have a radar operator easily pick out targets on the
    presentation. A test to accomplish this has been set up. A noise is first applied to
    the scope to make it difficult to pick out a target. A second signal, representing the
    target, is put into the scope, and its intensity is increased from zero until detected
    by the observer. The intensity setting at which the observer first notices the target
    signal is then recorded. This experiment is repeated 20 times with each filter. The
    numerical value of each reading listed in the table of data is proportional to the
    target intensity at the time the operator first detects the target.

Filter No. 1 Filter No. 2 Filter No. 3
90 88 95
87 90 95
93 97 89
96 87 98
94 90 96
88 96 81
90 90 92
84 90 79
101 100 105
96 93 98
90 95 92
(continued )
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