Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

508 Chapter 11:Goodness of Fit Tests and Categorical Data Analysis

The levelαtest would reject the null hypothesis thatFis the distribution if the observed
value ofD∗is at least as large asdα∗.

EXAMPLE 11.6a Suppose we want to test the hypothesis that a given population distribu-
tion is exponential with mean 100; that is,F(x)= 1 −e−x/100. If the (ordered) values
from a sample of size 10 from this distribution are

66, 72, 81, 94, 112, 116, 124, 140, 145, 155

what conclusion can be drawn?

SOLUTION To answer the above, we first employ Equation 11.6.3 to compute the value of
the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test quantityD. After some computation this gives the result
D=.4831487, which results in


10 +0.12+0.11/


Because this exceedsd.025∗ = 1.480, it follows that the null hypothesis that the data come
from an exponential distribution with mean 100 would be rejected at the 2.5 percent level
of significance. (On the other hand, it would not be rejected at the 1 percent level of
significance.) ■


  1. According to the Mendelian theory of genetics, a certain garden pea plant should
    produce either white, pink, or red flowers, with respective probabilities^14 ,^12 ,^14.
    To test this theory, a sample of 564 peas was studied with the result that 141
    produced white, 291 produced pink, and 132 produced red flowers. Using the
    chi-square approximation, what conclusion would be drawn at the 5 percent level
    of significance?

  2. To ascertain whether a certain die was fair, 1,000 rolls of the die were recorded,
    with the following results.

Outcome Number of Occurrences
1 158
2 172
3 164
4 181
5 160
6 165
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