Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

522 Chapter 12:Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests







It remains to computePH 0 {T≤t∗}. To do so, letPk(i) denote the probability, under
H 0 , that the signed rank statisticTwill be less than or equal toiwhen the sample size isk.
We will determine a recursive formula forPk(i) starting withk=1. Whenk=1, since
there is only a single data value, which, whenH 0 is true, is equally likely to be either less
than or greater thanm 0 , it follows thatTis equally likely to be either 0 or 1. Thus

P 1 (i)=

0 i< 0
2 i=^0
1 i≥ 1


Now suppose the sample size isk. To computePk(i), we condition on the value ofIkas

Pk(i)=PH 0


j= 1


=PH 0


j= 1

jIj≤i|Ik= 1

PH 0 {Ik= 1 }

+PH 0


j= 1

jIj≤i|Ik= 0

PH 0 {Ik= 0 }

=PH 0

k∑− 1

j= 1

jIj≤i−k|Ik= 1

PH^0 {Ik=^1 }

+PH 0

k∑− 1

j= 1

jIj≤i|Ik= 0

PH 0 {Ik= 0 }

=PH 0

k∑− 1

j= 1


PH 0 {Ik= 1 }+PH 0


j= 1


PH 0 {Ik= 0 }

where the last equality utilized the independence ofI 1 ,...,Ik− 1 , andIk(whenH 0 is
true). Now

∑k− 1
j= 1 jIjhas the same distribution as the signed rank statistic of a sample
of sizek−1, and since

PH 0 {Ik= 1 }=PH 0 {Ik= 0 }=^12
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