Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

14.4A Two-Sample Problem 599

Hence, by the equivalence of the gamma and chi-square distribution it follows that

θ 1


i= 1

Xi∼χ 22 n

θ 2


i= 1

Yi∼χ 22 m

Hence, it follows from the definition of theF-distribution that

θ 1

i= 1



(^2 n
θ 2

i= 1



2 m


That is, ifXandYare the two sample means, respectively, then

θ 2 X
θ 1 Y

has anF-distribution withnandmdegrees of freedom

Hence, when the hypothesisθ 1 =θ 2 is true, we see thatX/Yhas anF-distribution with
nandmdegrees of freedom. This suggests the following test of the hypothesis that
θ 1 =θ 2.

Test: H 0 :θ 1 =θ 2 vs. alternativeH 1 :θ 1 =θ 2
Step 1: Choose a significance levelα.
Step 2: Determine the value of the test statisticX/Y— say its value isv.
Step 3: ComputeP{F≤v}whereF∼Fn,m. If this probability is either less
thanα/2 (which occurs whenXis significantly less thanY) or greater
than 1−α/2 (which occurs whenXis significantly greater thanY) then
the hypothesis is rejected.

In other words, thep-value of the test data is given by

p-value=2 min(P{F≤v},1−P{F≤v})

EXAMPLE 14.4a Test the hypothesis, at the 5 percent level of significance, that the lifetimes
of items produced at two given plants have the same exponential life distribution if a sample
of size 10 from the first plant has a total lifetime of 420 hours whereas a sample of 15 from
the second plant has a total lifetime of 510 hours.

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