Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Index 621

Mean response
confidence interval estimator, 372–373,
prediction interval of future response,
373–375, 410
statistical inferences, 371–372
Mean square error, 266–271
Median,seeSample median
Memoryless property, 176–178
Modal value, 22
Mode,seeSample mode
Mode of a density, 276–277
Moment generating function, 126–127
exponential random variable, 176
gamma random variable, 183
normal random variable, 169–170, 173
Poisson random variable, 149–150, 154
Monte Carlo simulation, 251
Moving-average control charts, 563–565
Multiple linear regression, 394–405
Multiple regression equation, 352
Multivariate normal disttribution, 398


Negatively correlated, 36
Newton, I., 5
Neyman, J., 7
Nonparametric hypothesis tests
definition, 515
rank sum test
classical approximation, 529–531
null hypothesis, 526
simulation, 531–533
Tstatistic, 525–529
runs test for randomness, 533–536
signed rank test, 519–525
sign test, 515–519
Nonparametric interference problem, 202
Normal data set
approximately normal data set, 31
definition, 31
empirical rule, 32–33
histogram, 31
Normal density, 275
Normal distribution, 168–170

Normal equations, 395
Normal prior distribution, 275–277
Normal random variable
definition, 168
moment generating function, 169–170, 173
probability calculations, 174–175
summation, 173
Null hypothesis, 292
analysis of variance
one-way, 442, 445–446
two-way, 464, 467–468
Bernoulli populations, 323–330
equality of normal variances, 321–323
equality of two normal means
known variances, 312–314
pairedt-test, 319–320
unknown and unequal variances, 318
unknown variances, 314–318
goodness of fit tests, 484–485, 494, 496, 502,
normal population mean with known
variance, 293–305
one-sided tests, 300–305
Poisson distribution mean, 330–333
rank sum test, 526
regression parameter b, 363–365
signed rank test, 521
sign test, 515, 517, 519

Observational study, 329
Ogive, 16
One-way analysis of variance,seeAnalysis of
Operating characteristic curve, 297
Order statistics, 586
Out of control process, 545
Overlook probabilities, 76

Paired data sets, 33–36
Pairedt-test, 319–320
Parametric interference problem, 201–202
Pearson, E., 7
Pearson, K., 6, 367, 490
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