Music Composition DUMmIES

(Ben Green) #1

Dorian ....................................................................................................

Figure 6-7 shows the D Dorian mode. To build a Dorian mode on another note
besides D, you would use the pattern WHWWWHW.

The Dorian mode is most commonly heard in Celtic music and early American
folk songs derived from Irish melodies. Songs written in Dorian mode sound
melancholy and soulful because the final note of the scale doesn’t quite resolve
itself, so it feels almost like a question left unanswered.

Phrygian ................................................................................................

Figure 6-8 shows the E Phrygian mode. To build a Phrygian mode on another
note besides E, you would use the pattern HWWWHWW.

Most flamenco music is written in the Phrygian mode, which has a bright,
Middle-Eastern sound to it that works well with folk and traditional dance
music. Many modern composers and guitarists commonly use Phrygian
modes with major scales (instead of minor scales) because it sounds brighter
and less melancholic than the minor scale.


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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ ̇

Figure 6-8:
mode can
give your
music a bit
of exotic

& 4

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Figure 6-7:
The Dorian
and full of

Chapter 6: Scales and Modes, Moods and Melodies 61

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