Liber ab Matrimonium (Book of Marriage)^117
Now that we have that clear, I tell you that the Rite of Coven or Household Initia-
tion is a rite of marriage. It is the union of the initiate with the coven in the way the
sailor marries two ropes, not just by tying them together, but by merging and intertwin-
ing their strands. It is the declaration that the initiate is not just joining some fancy
group for name sake, but that the group will provide that person with the support and
love that would be provided by a family. It is also the rite in which that member pro-
vides the same support for and love for every member of that coven/household.
Coven or Household Initiation Ritual Ideas
A Coven Initiation is a rebirth. It can be equated to an adoption, but to say that the
adoption of a child is not as sacred as the birth of a child is rather insulting to folk who
were adopted. Part of the format of a coven Initiation should involve a symbolic re-
birth. While some have said this should take the form of blindfolding and binding the
person, symbolic of the darkness and confines of the womb, I think the practice is rather
insulting. When I think of my life in the womb of my natural mother, I think of a nurtur-
ing state. As I had not yet exited the womb, I did not know I was restricted or without
light. Why then would a ritual that reminded me of something I did not know be appro-
priate? Instead, as the initiate makes the choice to enter the coven with his or her will
unrestricted and with the full light of choice, I say let that rite be conducted unre-
stricted and with the full light of choice. In designing Initiation rites, let the initiate see
fully where he or she is going and let them pass through that gate of his or her own
The most beautiful way I have seen to symbolize both the rebirth and the freedom
that an adult has to choose is to have all the women of the coven or household make
two lines standing next to each other. Each stands in the pose found in the expression
of center (See Chapter 4, Diagram 13), legs spread and arms reaching for the sky, but
with one hand and foot joined to the person next to them such that the two rows of
women form a symbolic birth canal. In larger groups and with large initiates, this be-
comes impractical. So we see an alternative, instead of putting the feet together and
holding hands, the women can join by each holding a red piece of silk. If you object to
using an animal product, use cotton. The color red is the symbol of blood and the
association of blood made not only to birth, but also to marriage as seen in the rites of
the Japanese god Gekka-o.
Whichever method is used, the men of the coven stand on the opposite side of
birth symbolic birth canal and call the initiate forth, stating that ‘Through woman you
entered this world, through women you enter this family.’ When the initiate reaches
the men on the other side, the women say to him or her that ‘But not without the union
of men.’ Each man of the coven/household then shakes the initiates hand. In large
groups, the timing of the speaking of the words can become confused. If that is the
case, the host can speak the men’s words and the hostess the women’s words.
o WB Chap 07.p65 117 7/11/2003, 5:52 PM