A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Sol (Book of Sun)^141

and fathers should they have passed. The prayer found in the introduction to this book
is most appropriate. If you want to be dramatic, the host can hold the hostess to the sky
as she reads the prayer. Yes, it was done in a movie, but as you will see when we come
to our discussion about Winter Solstice, just because someone else does, it does not
mean that you cannot.
The host and hostess are then charged with inviting others to call to their loved
ones. If you have guests who are not members of your household, use your household
members to guide them in these invitations. They can be loud, soft, spoken, or unspo-
ken, but the spoken ones will cause others to come out of their shell and share the grief
of loss. If host and hostess have achieved the right frame of mind ahead of time, their
invitation will be sincere, and tears may flow. Those tears will lubricate the emotions of
coven/household members and guests.
While the calls are going on, the host and hostess then invite folk to dance for their
departed loved ones, to show those who have joined us from other realms that while
we do miss them, we celebrate the life that they have given us. The dance can be of any
theme. For the young and healthy, a slow drumbeat working into a frenzy can bring
with it revelations from beyond. If this is the nature of your celebration, make sure
everyone knows that they should identify their own limits and make allowances for the
limits of others. There is no shame in retiring to the outside of the circle when exhaus-
tion sets in. If the crowd is older or if you have chosen a more formal setting for the
rite, something as slow as a waltz is most appropriate. Believe it or not, combining the
two works well as demonstrated at The Real Witches Ball 2002.

Winter Solstice

Winter is at the mature/Master stage. Summer is entering the second trimester.

Also known as: Alban Arthan, Day of Children, Midwinter, Mother’s Night, Return of
the Sun, Saturnalia, Yule.
Date: Approximately December 21st or 22nd, this Holiday is actually found on the
longest day of the year.
God associations: Cernunnos, Herne, Odin, Pan.
Goddess associations: Angerona, Colleda, Frigg, Koliada.
Gemstone associations: Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby.
Plants associations: Apple, Bay, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Frankincense, Holly,
Ivy, Juniper, Lemon, Mace, Mistletoe, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Orange, Sage, Pine, Rosemary.
Color associations: Gold, Green, Red, White, Yellow.

Winter Solstice Incense
4 Part Frankincense
1 Part Juniper Berry
1 Part Cedar

p WB Chap 08.p65 141 7/11/2003, 5:52 PM

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