(^290) A Wiccan Bible
(Also known as Amarynthia, Cynthia)
Father: Zeus
Mother: Leto
Animal associations: Antelope, Bear, Bee,
Boar, Deer (stag), Dog, Cat, Cattle (bull), El-
ephant, Goat, Hawk, Horse, Quail, Wolf
Plant associations: Almond, Aloe, Amaranth,
Banyan, Camphor, Cedar, Cypress, Daisy,
Damiana, Fir (especially silver), Frankin-
cense, Ginseng, Hazelnut, Ivy (common), Jas-
mine, Ox-eyed Daisy, Mandrake, Mugwort,
Myrtle, Palm (date), Pine, Tarragon, Willow,
‘Fashion’—Greek goddess of the wild.
Within the city, she becomes a goddess of child
birth. With associations to Selene, she is seen
as a moon goddess, often depicted with a cres-
cent moon. As with many moon goddesses, she
is associated with both the tides and menstrua-
tion. Artemis speaks to us of our duty as care-
takers to the animals of the world. She was
huntress, most often depicted with bow and
arrows, and chiefly concerned with matters of
animal care with special attention to their
breeding practices. She reminds us of the
Wiccan principle that for Life there must be
Incense Recipe (1)
2 parts Jasmine flowers
1 part Mugwort
1 part Camphor
Note: I think this Recipe smells horrible
Incense Recipe (2)
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Cedar
1 part Jasmine flowers
1 part Cypress
1 part powdered honey
Note: This one smells much better.
Oil Recipe
10 drops Cypress oil
5 drops Cedar oil
5 drops Jasmine absolute or Camphor oil
1/2 ounce base oil made by simmering a mix-
ture of Palm or Almond Oil and Honey, strain,
and allow to cool.
Artio—Female—Central Europe
(Also known as Artio of Muri)
Lover: Essus
Animal association: Bear
Celtic goddess of strength on whom the
Celtic bear cults were based.
Arwen—Female—Central Europe
Lover: Aragorn
Plant association: Apple
There is a great deal of difficulty discuss-
ing Arwen because, due to her inclusion in the
Lord of the Rings, great amounts of misinfor-
mation have been generated—so much so that
even reputable sources seem to include great
amounts of fantasy mythology. She is perhaps
goddess of inspiration, maybe the elf of pro-
crastination. Arwen is an immortal Elf/God-
dess with whom the mortal Aragorn fell
hopelessly in love. Her father advised against
her returning his love because he did not want
her to suffer as she watched him grow old.
Upon her father’s advice, she left his side but
not his heart. In another version, her love
wanted her to take her father’s advice for her
own safety.
Aryman—Male—Near East
Father: Kashyapa
Mother: Aditi
Aryman is one of the Adityas. He is associ-
ated with the Hindu month Vaisakha (April
21–May 21) See Adityas.
(Also known as Asklepios, Aesculapius)
Father: Apollo
Mother: Coronis
Animal association: Raven, Snake
Plant associations: Bay, Mustard (especially
black), Juniper, Lily of the Valley, Mustard,
Olive, Vine (grape)
z WB Chap 17.p65 290 7/11/2003, 6:04 PM