A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1

Liber ab Clementia (Book of Humanity)^343

Lakota spider god who established the
Lakota community and culture. He is also a
trickster who teaches children much needed
lessons on matters of community.

Saint and Catholic association: Archangel
Holiday: Feast of the Archangel Raphael on
October 24th
Yoruba god of fishing who, upon his mi-
gration into Santeria, became a god of heal-
ing. He is the owner with Ochun of the rivers
and fish from those waters. He is patron of
doctors and fishermen.

Io (1)—Female—Mediterranean
Animal association: Cow
Greek priestess who was beloved by Zeus.
Of course, that meant Hera made her life mis-
erable. In this case, Zeus turned her into a cow
to escape Hera’s rage. Of course, Hera didn’t
fall for it and hounded the poor thing even as
a cow.

Io (2)—Male/Female—Polynesian Islands
(Also known as Kiho)
Supreme Creator on several of the
Polynesian Islands (not all). Actually a mar-
riage of Te Io Ora (male) and Io Wahine (fe-
male), but it is important to note that neither
was seen as an individual. Te Io Ora can be
seen as the Yang or masculine principle of Io,
and Io Wahine can be seen as the Yin or the
feminine principle of Io.

Ioskeha—Male—North America
Iroquois/Huron Creator god who taught
humanity how to negotiate with Nature. He
was in opposition with his brother Tawiskara,
who created nothing but evil. Patron of farm-
ers and others in negotiation with Nature.

(Also known as Eirene)
Animal association: Dove
Plant association: Olive

‘Peace’—Greek goddess of peace and per-
sonification of wealth. Often depicted with a
cornucopia, scepter, and torch. Her lore tells
us that peace is achievable when all sides have
wealth, warning that war is often the result of
poverty and imbalance. She is one of the Ho-
rae with her sisters Dike and Eunomia.

Father: Thaumas
Mother: Electra
Plant associations: Iris, Orris Root, Rose,
‘Rainbow’—Greek personification of the
rainbow for which the colored portion of our
eyes is named. She is the winged messenger
who brings messages from the gods (especially
Hera) to humanity. With the modern associa-
tion of the rainbow to the message brought forth
by both the gay, lesbian, bisexual community and
the Rainbow Coalition, we might see in her the
message that communication with the gods
comes in all colors and preferences.

Ishtar—Female—Middle East/Mediterranean
Father: Anu, Sinn
Mother: Anat
Lover: Marduk, Asshur
Animal associations: Lion, Snake (serpent),
Dragon, Dove, Cow (calf), Scorpion, Hedge-
hog, Dolphin, Fish
Plant associations: Acacia, Apple, Juniper and
all grains (especially Wheat)
Note: Due to the merging of the Sumerian and
Babylonian pantheons, her mother and father
are often cited completely differently.
Sumero-Babylonian goddess who inherited
the attributes and stories of the moon goddess
Nuah. One of the most noted stories that was
adopted was that of her involvement in the
Great Flood. Although exactly what Ishtar/
Nuah complained about is not recorded, some
speculate that it was issues concerning
humanity’s procreation or migration. In re-
sponse to the complaint, the gods decided to
destroy great amounts of humanity with the
Great Flood. As the story comes originally

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