(^350) A Wiccan Bible
the good spirited folk hid from the destruc-
tion until finally she returned the good spir-
ited folk to the surface, created Tuwaqachi
which she filled with rich soil, and then settled
those good folk there...in Arizona. Interest-
ing enough, the state motto of Arizona is Ditat
Deus, which means ‘God Enriches.’
Komoku—Male—Far East
Japanese god who guarded the South,
subordinate to Taishaku-ten. In Wiccan ritual
he is sometimes connected with the South
Quarter. The other three were Zocho,
Bishamon, and Jikoku.
Koodjanuk—Male—Arctic North America
Eskimo god who is prayed to for health and
Krishna—Male—Near East
Father: Vaseduva
Mother: Devaki
Lover: Radha
Animal associations: Bee, Elephant, Lion,
Snake (cobra)
Plant associations: Acacia, Bay, Frankincense,
Vine (grape)
Hindu god and twin brother of Balarama,
eighth avatar of Vishnu, and boyhood friend
of Arjuna. Krishna is one of the most popular
of the Hindu deities in India. In the United
States, he is Supreme God of the Hare
Incense Recipe
4 part Frankincense
2 part Acacia flowers
1 part Bay leaf
A few raisins
Kuan Yin—Male—Central Asia
(Also known as Chenresi (Tibet), Guan Yin,
Animal associations: Horse (white), Fish
Plant association: Lily
Recently, interest in the Chinese goddess
Kuan Yin has become very popular. Interesting
enough, very few seem to have noticed that
she was initially male, not female. He was ini-
tially depicted as definitively male, a god whom
women who wanted children but who had
failed in many attempts would seek. Gradu-
ally, he became a god of compassion. In that
transition, his appearance became softer and
more rounded. Yes, there have been refer-
ences and depictions of the Chinese Kuan Yin
as female for many years, but to print modern
literature without even the mention that she
was once seen as male is an insult. It is in as
much as to say that compassion is not an at-
tribute that can be held by men. Now, wouldn’t
one think that in the natural order of things, a
woman who wants a child would do much bet-
ter to turn to a male for assistance? I thus list
him here as male.
Kubera—Male—Near East
(Also known as Dhanapati, Kuvera)
Hindu god of prosperity and wealth. One
of the eight guardians of the principle direc-
tions. Kubera is the guardian of the North. The
other seven are Indra, Agni, Yama, Surya,
Varuna, Vayu, Soma.
Kul—Male/Female—North Europe
(Also known as Kul-Jungk)
Animal association: Fish
Siberian water sprite, male and female, who
jealously guard fresh water ponds and lakes.
They are typically the ill-fate of humans who
approach on them. Perhaps an explanation of
the dangers of water in cold weather.
Kul-Jungk—See Kul
Kulkulcan—Male—Central America
Animal association: Snake (serpent)
Mayan feathered serpent god whose lore
was absorbed by Quetzalcoatl.
Kurkil—Male—Central Asia
Mongolian Creator god who instructed hu-
manity in the art of building community.
z WB Chap 17.p65 350 7/11/2003, 6:04 PM