Liber ab Clementia (Book of Humanity)^353
into the serpent that tempted Eve, Adam’s
second wife. Others feel Lilith became an as-
pect of Eve in the way the pre-separation
Diana must surely be an aspect of the Diana
after separation. It is very interesting to note
the meaning of her name and the association
between Diana and Night/Darkness.
(Also known as Livos)
Greek personification of the South West
(Also known as Lisa, Leza)
Animal associations: Chameleon, Dog
Supreme God of Central Africa who in-
structed humanity on building community and
culture. He does not listen to prayers much
anymore because he has grown old and deaf.
Llew Llaw Gyffes—Male—North Europe/
Central Europe
(Also known as Lleu)
Wife: Blodeuwedd
‘Bright lion with sure hand’—Welsh god
who died at the hands of Gronw while fight-
ing over his wife, who had been unfaithful to
him with Gronw. Llew and Gronw died in that
conflict, but Llew was magickly restored. Pa-
tron of those whose spouses have been un-
Llyr—Male—Central Europe
Wife: Iweridd
Son: Bran the Blessed by Iweridd
Welsh god of the sea and origin of
Shakespeare’s character King Lear.
Loa, The—Male and Female—Caribbean
Caribbean Voodoo guardians of natural
forces and of humanities negotiations with
those forces. The loa are either ancestral spir-
its (protectors of the family line) or protec-
tors of certain locations (personified natural
forces) who are governed by Damballah. They
are called by drawing an ‘eve’ on the ground.
Lokapalas, The—Male—Near East
Hindu gods who are personification and
guardians of the eight principle directions:
Indra, Agni, Yama, Surya, Varuna, Vayu,
Kubera, and Soma.
Loki—Male—North Europe
(Also known as Look)
Father: Farbauti
Mother: Laufey
Wife: Sign
Lover: Angurboda
Animal associations: Coyote, Horse, Jackal,
Salmon, Wolf
Plant association: Benzoin
Scandinavian trickster god. He is one of the
Aesir, but often finds himself at odds (and war)
with them. He is also father, by Angurboda, of
the three monstrous children of ill-fate; Fenrir,
Hel, and Jormungand.
Long—Male—Central Asia
(Also known as Lung)
Animal association: Dragon
Chinese creature guardian of the North.
He is described as a dragon. The other three
guardians are Ch’i-lin, Gui Xian, and Feng-
haang. They are collectively known as the Ssu
Lono—Male—Polynesian Islands
Plant association: Kava Kava
Hawaiian god of song and fertility who fell
in love with the mortal Kaikilani. They were
wed and lived happily ever after in monoga-
mous bliss where each filled the other’s needs
and desires. Well, happily ever after until Lono
mistakenly thought Kaikilani had been unfaith-
ful, at which point Lono killed his beloved wife.
Realizing his loss, he left the island promising
to return when he had recovered from heart-
ache and overcome rage. He has not yet re-
turned. His story speaks much to those of us
who suffer from anger management problems.
Patron of those who battle jealousy and anger
management issues.
z WB Chap 17.p65 353 7/11/2003, 6:04 PM