Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Measles 0.5 ml SC of Attenuvax or MMR None currently required Required if no
(preferred) serological evidence
of previous exposure

Meningococcal 0.5 ml SC single dose 0.5 ml SC every 5 years More frequent
boosters for some

Mumps 0.5 ml SC of Mumpsvax or MMR None currently required Required if no
(preferred) serological evidence
of previous exposure

Plague 2 of the 3 shot series, 1.0 ml IM 0.2 ml IM upon Boost at direction of
at 0 months, then 0.2 ml at 1-3 deployment to a risk unit surgeon for high-
months area and every 6 months risk areas (CDC blue
while there sheet)

Polio IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine), 0.5 ml SC for travel to Boost at direction of
0.5 ml SC at 0,1-2, and 6-12 highly endemic areas unit surgeon for high-
months. risk areas.

Rabies 0.1 ml ID (or 1.0 ml IM) at 0, None currently required Initial series for
7, and 21-28 days. Do not mix personnel in Medical
ID & IM doses within a series. SOF, and personnel
Must use IM dosing if taking assigned, attached,
chloroquine or mefloquine within or OPCON to an
14 days of any dose operational team

Rubella 0.5 ml SC of MMR (preferred) or None currently required Required if no
Meruvax II serological evidence
of previous exposure

Tetanus- 0.5 ml IM at 0, 1-2, and 8-14 0.5 ml IM every 10 years Required if no
Diphtheria months or as prophylaxis after documentation of
Toxoid severe/dirty wounds previous immunization.

Typhoid a. Injectable Vaccine (Typhoid Boost with same vaccine For capsules, do not
(2 types Vi, Pasteur-Merieux Connaught): if possible. lengthen interval.
of vaccine 0.5 ml IM a. Typhoid Vi 0.5 ml IM Swallow (do not chew)
used) every two years with cool drink 1 hr
b. Oral vaccine (Vivotif Berna, b. Berna oral vaccine: before a meal. Do not
Berna): one capsule every other repeat 4 dose series take within 24 hours
day for a total of four capsules every five years of taking mefloquine or

Varicella 0.5 ml SC at 0, and 1-2 months None currently required Required if no
serological evidence
of previous exposure

Yellow Fever 0.5 ml SC 0.5 ml SC every 10 years None

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