Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


and rodents.
(2) Do not have pets near living areas. They harbor fleas, ticks and other insects and can attract
mosquitoes and other pests.
(3) Use personal protective measures:
(a) Use the DOD Arthropod Repellent System (DEET and Permethrin).
(b) Ensure that personnel are properly supplied with DEET and Permethrin and know how to use
these products.
(c) Ensure that soldiers sleep under Permethrin-treated bed netting.
(d) Use personal protective measures, to include respiratory protection, when entering areas
suspected of housing rodents or birds.

Rabies Control

  1. Assess the rabies threat in the deployment area and initiate a control program if needed.

  2. Identify personnel at risk and vaccinate them pre-deployment.

  3. Maintain and review current guidelines for pre- and post-exposure rabies management.

  4. Identify rabies testing laboratory (if available) and domestic and wild animal control resources in the
    deployment area.

  5. Immunize pets and domestic animals.

  6. Impound stray animals.

  7. Work with animal control personnel to reduce the wild animal reservoir if necessary and feasible.

  8. Identify, evaluate, treat and report human exposures.

  9. Conduct surveillance for human cases and cases in domestic and wild animals.

  10. Advise the command on the rabies threat and recommend preventive countermeasures.

  11. Inform at-risk personnel about the transmission, prevention and clinical aspects of rabies. Stress the
    importance of reporting animal bites or other suspicious animal contact.

Landll Management
NOTE: In the US, military personnel must abide by EPA standards for landfills even on deployments. Consult
land managers or custodians for guidance as needed.
Suggestions for a host nation landfill operation:
Identify a large area of land that will not be used for many years after the landfill is closed.
Use a dump truck and a bucket loader if available.
Find an area close to the site to store excavated dirt while the landfill is constructed.
The pit will need to be lined will a nonporous membrane (such as clay) to prevent pollutants from leaching into
the water table and contaminating the water.
Size: Use 1 acre per year per 10,000 people as an estimate. High water tables or rocky soil will limit
pit depth.
Pit Operations:

  1. The pit must be accessible to vehicles (dump trucks) and allow them to enter the pit. The bucket loader
    must cover the refuse throughout the day and at the end of the day.

  2. Dispose of refuse in 10 ft. wide subcompartments in the landfill and cover them as the landfill is filled.

  3. Do not fill the subcompartments with more than 6 feet of trash. Cover at the end of every day or when full.

  4. Use a windscreen on the downwind side of the landfill to catch debris.

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