Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


d. Reach forward to cut the vessels, gullet and windpipe. Free the gullet and
viscera and remove them from the animal. If skinning the animal, it is best to
peel the hide off. Using a knife can perforate and contaminate the meat.

  1. Figure 5-22.4: Skinning: Make circumferential cuts around each limb above the
    elbow; connect them to midline cut and PEEL, DO NOT CUT OR SCRAPE away

  2. Preparation:
    Pork: After slaughter, ensure animal is bled out completely before scalding or
    boiling off the hair.
    Poultry: There are several methods of slaughter: wringing the neck,
    dislocating the neck or beheading. Bleed out animal completely before
    boiling. Boil the bird to remove skin contaminants and ease the removal
    of the feathers. Then eviscerate by opening the abdominal cavity and
    removing organs. The carcass is ready for cooking and consumption.

What Not To Do:
Do not slaughter sick or debilitated animals for consumption.
Do not use a blade to skin the carcass; PEEL the hide from the body.
Do not consume meat until it is well cooked.

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