Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Nerve Agents
Nerve agents inhibit CNS function and are highly lethal. Common nerve agents include GA (tabun), GB
(sarin), GD (soman), GF and VX. Use of pyridostigmine as a preventive measure for GA and GD is a
command decision.

Subjective: Symptoms
Eyes, nose and throat: Eye pain, dim vision, photophobia, nasal congestion, hoarseness.
Respiratory: SOB, tightness of chest, dyspnea
GI: Nausea, anorexia, epigastric tightness, heartburn, abdominal cramping
CNS: Apprehension, giddiness, insomnia, headache, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, confusion, poor
memory, weakness

Objective: Signs

Using Basic Tools:
Eyes, nose and throat: miosis (pupillary contraction), lacrimation, conjunctivitis, rhinorrhea, nasal hyperemia
Respiratory: Tachypnea, wheezing, increased bronchial secretions, cough, Cheyne-Stokes respirations (5-30
seconds of apnea)
Cardiac: Occasional early tachycardia followed by bradycardia and hypotension
GI: Salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, involuntary defecation, extreme urgency
GU: Frequent urination, incontinence
CNS: Coma, seizures, ataxia, areflexia
Other: Muscle fasciculation, sweating, pallor, cyanosis

Assessment: Diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms, environment and probability.

Mask self, mask patient and inject atropine as follows:
Mild Exposure (miosis, headache, rhinorrhea, salivation, dyspnea): 1 Mark 1 auto-injector IM
Severe Exposure (all of the above plus SOB, apnea, generalized twitching, convulsions, urinary and stool
incontinence and paralysis): 3 Mark 1 auto-injectors IM and diazepam IM by auto-injector or 10 IM/IV if by
Carpuject (use of more than 1 Mark 1 increases the risk of heat illness)
Evacuation Plan: Evacuate if unstable after decontamination.

Blood Agents
High concentrations of blood agents such as cyanide exert their effect rapidly, causing unconsciousness and
death in a matter of minutes. However, if the patient is still alive after the cloud has passed (more than 5
minutes after presumed exposure), he will probably recover spontaneously.

Subjective: Symptoms
Eye and skin irritation. Low levels can cause weakness, headache, disorientation and nausea.

Objective: Signs
Using Basic Tools: Violent convulsions; increased deep respirations followed by cessation of respiration
within one minute; slowing of the heart rate until death.

Assessment: Diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms, environment and probability


Mask self and mask patient. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) medications are usually not available in
the field, so it is useless to initiate ACLS without them.
Replace C 2 canisters on the protective mask after initial exposure.

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