Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Appendices: Heat
Guidelines for Physical Activity
Category WBGT Index Nonacclimated Personnel Acclimated Personnel
I 82°-84.9°F Use discretion in planning intense Normal duties
physical activity. Limit intensity of
work and exposure to sun. Provide
constant supervision.

II 85°-87.9°F Strenuous exercises will be cancelled. Use discretion in planning
Outdoor classes in the sun will be intense physical activities.
cancelled. Limit intensity of work and
exposure to sun. Provide
constant supervision

III 88°-89.9°F All physical training, strenuous activities, Strenuous outdoor activities will
and parades will be cancelled. be minimized for all personnel
with less than 12 weeks of training
in hot weather.

IV >90°F Strenuous activities and non-essential Strenuous activities and non-
duty will be cancelled. essential duty will be cancelled.

Fluid Replacement Guidelines for Warm Weather Training
(Applies to average acclimated soldier wearing BDU, Hot Weather)


Category Index °F Easy Work Moderate Work Hard Work
Work/ Water Work/ Water Work/ Water
Rest Intake Rest Intake Rest Intake
Q/hr Q/hr Q/hr
1 78-81.9 NL 1/2 NL 3/4 40/20 3/4

2 82-84.9 NL 1/2 50/10 3/4 30/30 1
Green min min

3 84-87.9 NL 1/2 40/20 3/4 30/30 1
Yellow min min

4 88-89.9 NL 3/4 30/30 3/4 20/40 1
Red min min

5 > 90 50/10 1 20/40 1 10/50 1
Black min min min

· The work/rest times and fluid replacement volumes will sustain performance and hydration for at least 4
hours of work in the specified heat category. Individual water needs will vary ±1/4 qt/hr.
· NL= no limit to work time per hour
· Rest means minimal physical activity (sitting or standing), accomplished in shade if possible.
· CAUTION: Hourly fluid intake should not exceed 11⁄2 quarts.
· Daily fluid intake should not exceed 12 quarts.
· Wearing body armor adds 5°F to WBGT Index.
· Wearing Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) overgarment adds 10°F to WBGT Index.

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