Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


OPV - oral poliomyelitis vaccine
OPQRST - onset, provokes, quality, radiates,
severity, time
OR - operating room
ORS - oral rehydration solution
os, per os - mouth; by mouth
OSA - obstructive sleep apnea
OTC - over the counter (drugs)
OU - each eye
oz - ounce
PAC - premature atrial contractions
PAM Cl - pralidoxime chloride
Pap test - Papanicolaou’s test
PASG - pneumatic anti shock garment
pc - after meals
PE - physical examination; pulmonary embolus
PEA - pulseless electrical activity
PEEP - positive end-expiratory pressure
PERRLA - pupils equal, round, and react to light
and accommodation
PE tubes - pressure-equalizing tubes
PFB - pseudofolliculitis barbae
PFS - patellofemoral syndrome
PFSH - past, family, social history
PFT - pulmonary function test
PH - past history
PHF - potentially hazardous foods
PHTLS - pre-hospital trauma life support
PI - present illness
PID - pelvic inflammatory disease
PIP - proximal interphalangeal
Pit - Pitocin
PKU - phenylketonuria
PM - preventive medicine
PMCC - patient movement control center
PMH - past medical history
PMI - point of maximum impulse
PNM - polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes
PND - paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
PNS - peripheral nerve stimulator
PO - post-operative
po - by mouth; orally
p02 - partial pressure oxygen
POD - post-operative day
POIS - pulmonary over inflation syndrome
pos - positive
postop - postoperative
POW - prisoner of war
PP - post partum; pulsus paradoxicus
PPB - positive pressure breathing
PPD - purified protein derivative
ppm - parts per million
PPV - positive-pressure ventilation
Pre med - premedication

pre-op - preoperative
prn - as needed
PROM - premature rupture of membranes; passive
range of motion
PROMED - Program for Monitoring Emerging
PSI - pounds per square inch
PSVT - paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
PT - physical therapy; prothrombin time
PTL - preterm labor
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder
PTB - primary tuberculosis
PUD - peptic ulcer disease
PULHES - physical profile factors: P--physical
capacity or stamina; U--upper extremities; L--lower
extremities; H--hearing and ears; E--eyes;
PVC - premature ventricular contractions
q - every
QC - quality control
qd - every day
qh - every hour
q2h, q3h, and so on - every 2 hours, every 3 hours,
and so on
qid - four times a day
qt - quart
qty - quantity
r - roentgen
R - right
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
Ra - radium
RBC - red blood cells or corpuscles
RDA - recommended dietary allowance
RDS - respiratory distress syndrome
REM - rapid eye movement
REF - reference
RPM - revolutions per minute
RPR - rapid plasma reagin
Rh factor - Rhesus blood factor
RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation
RLL - right lower lobe (of lung)
RLQ - right lower quadrant
RML - right middle lobe (of lung)
RMSF - Rocky Mountain spotted fever
R/O - rule out
ROM - range of motion
ROS - review of systems
RPR - Reiter protein reagin
RR - respiratory rate
RUL - right upper lobe (of lung)
RUQ - right upper quadrant
Rx - prescription; treatment; take
S-A; SA node - sinoatrial node
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