Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


for febrile infections, 3–33f
for foot rot in caprines, 5–134
for Fournier’s gangrene, 3–78
for herpetic oral lesions, 5–16
for human and animal bites, 7–9
for localized osteitis, 5–18
M5 item list for, 1–19
for mastitis, 3–8, 3–9
for meningitis, 4–36
ointment, for impetigo contagiosa, 4–44
for pancreatitis, 4–82
for pericoronitis, 5–17
for peritonitis, 4–84
for phimosis, 3–78
for pleural effusion, 4–15
for pneumonia, 4–12, 4–13
postthoracostomy, 8–9
with bladder catheterization, 8–34—8–35
for chemical burns, 7–19
for prostatitis, 3–81—3–82
for septic joint, 3–63
for trauma patient, 7–5
for typhoid fever, 5–104
for underwater blast injury, 6–19
for untreated periapical abscess, 5–14
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
for urinary tract infections, 4–94
for urolithiasis, 4–92
for venomous fish bites, 6–15
for yaws, 4–63
Anticoagulants, 4–24
Antidepressants, 3–31
for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
for bacterial food poisoning, 4–80
for cholecystitis, 4–78
for gastritis, 4–81
for peritonitis, 4–84
for urolithiasis, 4–92
for candidiasis, 5–58
M5 item list for, 1–19
for bed bug bites, 4–55
for dizziness, 3–21
for mites, 4–59
for pediculosis, 4–63
for pruritus, 3–115
for sea urchin bites, 6–15
for serous otitis media, 3–21
for sleep disturbance with fatigue, 3–30
for swimming dermatitis, 4–54
Antihypertensives, 4–5
Anti–inflammatory agents
for heel spur syndrome, 5–2
for low back pain, 3–7
for shoulder pain, 3–71
Antimotility drugs, 3–19
Antimycobacterial drugs, 5–55

Antipyretics, 4–78
Antiseptics, 8–34
Antitussives, 6–53
for venomous fish bites, 6–15
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
Antivert, 3–21
Anuria, 4–88
Anxiety, 3–2
assessment of, 3–5
in chest pain, 3–11
dyspnea with, 3–116
follow-up, 3–5
free-floating, 3–2
memory loss with, 3–86
patient education, 3–5
in pruritus, 3–115
signs of, 3–2—3–5
symptoms of, 3–2
treatment for, 3–5
Aortic dissection
chest pain with, 3–10
quality of, 3–10—3–11
in hypertensive emergency, 4–5
in pericarditis, 4–6
treatment for, 3–12
vital signs suggesting, 3–11
Aphthous ulcers, 5–16—5–17
aggravating factors in, 4–26
assessment of, 4–26
causes of, 4–25
follow-up, 4–26—4–27
patient education for, 4–26
risk factors for, 4–25
signs of, 4–26
symptoms of, 4–26
treatment of, 4–26
for appendicitis, 4–72
emergency field, 4–72
cautions in, 4–77—4–78
equipment for, 4–72—4–73
goal for, 4–72
postoperative orders for, 4–77
procedures for, 4–73—4–77
acute abdominal pain in, 3–3t
acute pelvic pain with, 3–42
assessment of, 3–42, 4–71
follow-up for, 4–72
incidence of, 4–70
patient education for, 4–72
in peritonitis, 4–83
signs of, 4–71
symptoms of, 4–70—4–71
treatment for, 4–72
Apresoline, 3–109
Arboviral encephalitis
assessment of, 5–67
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