Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Bacterial vaginosis
assessment of, 3–47—3–49
causes of, 3–47
diagnosis and treatment of, 3–48t
follow-up, 3–49
infections causing, 3–48t
patient education for, 3–49
signs of, 3–47
symptoms of, 3–47
treatment plan for, 3–49
for acute diarrhea, 3–19
in pancreatitis, 4–82
Baffle grease trap, 5–116f
Bag-valve-mask (BVM) system, 5–155, 8–1
Bagassosis, 4–18
Baker’s cyst, 3–74
Balance, loss of, 6–1
Balanitis, 3–77—3–78
candidal, 3–78
patient education for, 3–79
treatment of, 3–78
Banamine, 5–135
Bancroftian filariasis, 5–39
overdose of, 5–150, 5–150t
withdrawal from, 5–151t
Barodontalgia, 5–18, 6–3—6–4
assessment of, 6–32
cause of, 6–32
differential diagnosis of, 6–33
follow-up for, 6–33
patient education for, 6–33
signs of, 6–32
symptoms of, 6–32
treatment for, 6–32—6–33
assessment of, 6–33—6–34
cause of, 6–33
differential diagnosis of, 6–32
follow-up for, 6–34
patient education for, 6–34
signs of, 6–33
symptoms of, 6–33
treatment for, 6–34
assessment of, 6–35
cause of, 6–34
externa, 6–35
follow-up for, 6–35
media, 6–35
patient education for, 6–35
signs of, 6–35
symptoms of, 6–34
treatment for, 6–35
dental, 6–3—6–4
differential diagnosis of, 6–35
dizziness in, 3–20
to ears, 6–1—6–2

external, 6–1
inner, 6–1
middle, 6–1
TEED classification of, 6–2
GI, 6–3—6–4
sinus, 6–3—6–4
skin, 6–3—6–4
Barracudas, 6–17
Barrel filter grease trap, 5–115f
Barrel incinerator, 5–116f
Bartholin’s gland, 3–52
cyst/abscess of
assessment of, 3–52
causes of, 3–52
follow-up, 3–53
incision and drainage of, 3–53—3–55
patient education for, 3–53
signs of, 3–52
symptoms of, 3–52
treatment plan for, 3–52
marsupialization of, 3–54f
bacilliformis, 5–93
henselae, 5–93
assessment of, 5–93
cause of, 5–92
follow-up for, 5–93
patient education for, 5–93
signs of, 5–92—5–93
symptoms of, 5–92
treatment for, 5–93
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–93
Basal cell carcinoma
assessment of, 4–66
follow-up for, 4–67
incidence of, 4–66
metastasis of, 4–66
prevention of, 4–67
signs of, 4–66
symptoms of, 4–66
treatment of, 4–66—4–67
Basal cell skin cancer, 4–39
Base burns, 7–19
Basic medical skills, procedures in, 8–1—8–40
Basilar skull fracture, 7–4
Basophilic stippling, 8–56
Bather’s eruption, 4–54
Battle fatigue, 5–147—5–148
Battle’s sign, 7–4
BCG vaccine, 4–44
Beard, dandruff of, 4–49—4–51
Bechet’s syndrome, 5–16
Beclomethasone dipropionate, 4–20
Bed bug bites, 4–55
after cesarean section, 3–102
for epididymitis, 3–84
for low back pain, 3–7
for meningitis, 4–37
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