Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


drainage of, 3–9
incision and drainage of
equipment for, 3–9
follow-up, 3–10
procedure in, 3–9—3–10
cancer of, 3–8
engorgement of
assessment of, 3–8
treatment of, 3–9
enlargement of in pregnancy, 3–87
examination of, 2–4
problems of
abscess incision and drainage for, 3–9—3–10
mastitis, 3–7—3–9
bacterial vaginosis treatment during, 3–49
for breast engorgement, 3–9
with mastitis, 3–7, 3–8
assessment of, 8–1
with chemical burns, 7–18
for trauma, 7–5
management of, 7–2
Breech delivery
cesarean section in, 3–100
precautions, 3–96
presentation, 3–96, 3–97f
procedures in, 3–96, 3–97—99f
risks of, 3–96
Wigand maneuver for, 3–99f
Brief psychotic disorder, 5–152
Bronchial spasm, 4–19
Bronchiectasis, 4–22
chest pain with, 3–10
in COPD, 4–21
cough with, 3–14, 3–15
fatigue with, 3–30t
for allergic pneumonitis, 4–19
for asthma, 4–21
for COPD, 4–22
Bronchogenic carcinoma, 4–22
Bronchospasm, 7–10
Brown recluse spider bite, 4–60
abortus, 5–94
canis, 5–31, 5–94
mellitensis, 5–94
suis, 5–31, 5–94
Brucellosis, 5–31
assessment of, 5–94
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–104
follow-up for, 5–94
patient education for, 5–94
signs of, 5–94
symptoms of, 5–94
test for, 8–45
transmission of, 5–94

treatment for, 5–94
zoonotic disease consideration in, 5–94
malayi, 5–39
timori, 5–39
Bruising, 5–138t
Bubonic plague, 5–96
Buddy watch, suicide prevention, 5–149
Bullae, 4–38
in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, 4–42
BUMED-21, 6–22
Bunion, 5–4
assessment of, 5–5
follow-up for, 5–5
patient education for, 5–5
signs of, 5–4—5–5
symptoms of, 5–4
treatment for, 5–5
Bunyaviruses, California group of, 5–66
in axillary blockade, 5–174t
for digital block of finger or toe, 5–163t
with epinephrine (Marcaine), 5–20
local infiltration of, 5–159
for pain control, 8–39
Burley restraint method, 5–129
Burn out latrine, 5–113f
assessment of, 7–17
from blister agents, 6–53
caustic cocktail, 6–20—6–21
classification of, 7–17
compartment syndrome management in,
with electrical or lightning injury, 7–26, 7–27
follow-up for, 7–22
partial-thickness, 7–17
patient education for, 7–22
symptoms and signs of, 7–17
treatment for, 7–17—7–18
for chemical injuries, 7–19
for fluid resuscitation, 7–19—7–22
primary, 7–18—7–19
differential diagnosis of, 5–1
hip, 3–73
for equine colic, 5–133
for pain control, 8–39

C vitamin deficiency, 5–137t
Cabot’s ring, 8–56
Café au lait spots, 4–38
Cafergot, 3–56
for COPD, 4–22
for headache, 3–56
in palpitations, 3–110
Calabar swellings, 4–52
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