Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


precautions, 3–104
second degree repair, 3–103, 3–106—107f
third and fourth degree repair, 3–104, 3–108f
Epley maneuver, 3–21
Epstein-Barr virus, mononucleosis in,
Equine colic, 5–132—5–133
Equine encephalitis, 5–66—5–68
Equine morbillivirus, 5–32
Erection, persistent, 4–89
Ergots, 3–56
Erosion, skin, 4–39
assessment of, 4–42
cause of, 4–41—4–42
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
follow-up for, 4–42
patient education for, 4–42
risk factors for, 4–42
signs of, 4–42
streptococcal infection in, 5–99
symptoms of, 4–42
treatment for, 4–42
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, 5–32
Erythema infectiosum, 3–113t
Erythema migrans, 5–88
Erythema multiforma, 3–113t
Erythema nodosum, 3–60
Erythematous macules
in bed bug bites, 4–55
in disseminated gonococcal infection, 4–40
in impetigo contagiosa, 4–43
in pinta, 4–64
Erythematous papules
in ecthyma contagiosum, 4–46
in herpes zoster infection, 4–47
in pediculosis, 4–62
Erythematous plaque, 4–60
for acute rheumatic fever, 5–99
for chancroid, 5–29
for chemical burns, 7–18
in dentistry, 5–19
for erysipelas, 4–42
for granuloma inguinale, 5–29
for impetigo contagiosa, 4–43
for ingrown toenail, 5–3
for lymphogranuloma venereum, 5–29
for mastitis, 3–8
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
for pinta, 4–64
for pneumonia, 4–13
for preterm labor infection, 3–94
for prostatitis, 3–82
for relapsing fever, 5–90
for urethral discharges, 5–27
for yaws, 4–63
Eschar, 7–17
chest, 7–19, 7–21f

regions of, 7–21f
Escherichia coli, 5–32
in food poisoning, 4–79, 4–80
identification of colonies of, 8–50
in porcine diarrhea, 5–135
Esophageal reflux disease, 4–78
Esophageal rupture
alleviating or aggravating factors in, 3–11
chest pain with, 3–10
treatment for, 3–12
Estrogens, 4–82
Ethambutol, 5–55
Ethyl acetate, 8–52
for dental caries, 5–12
for localized osteitis, 5–18
in temporary dental restorations, 5–24
for tooth fracture, 5–13
Eurax, 4–61
Eustachian tube
dysfunction of, 6–22
swelling of, 6–34
Evacuation, trauma patient, 7–6
in malignant melanoma biopsy, 4–68
for nontuberculous mycobacterial infections,
Excoriation, 4–39
aerobic, for diabetes mellitus, 4–30
for diabetes mellitus, 4–30
for dysmenorrhea, 3–45
for hypertensive emergency, 4–5
for joint pain, 3–62
for shoulder rehabilitation, 3–72
for stress fractures of foot, 5–6
Expectorants, 3–15
Explosion, underwater. See Underwater blast
Exposure management, M5 item list for, 1–18
External auditory canal, blocking of, 6–34
Extraocular muscle
derangement of, 3–27
examination of for red eye, 3–24
Extremities, secondary trauma survey of, 7–4
Eye globe, ruptured, 3–27
differential diagnosis of, 3–28
treatment of, 3–28
Eye patch, 3–25
Eyelid laceration, 3–28
drainage of, 3–27
injuries of
assessment of, 3–27—3–28
from blister agents, 6–53
follow-up, 3–29
with hymenoptera sting, 4–58
laser, 7–28—7–29
patient education for, 3–29
signs of, 3–27
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