Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


procurement of, 5–108—5–109
storage and preservation of, 5–109—5–110
of meat and animal products, 5–126—5–128
Food-borne disease
factors in, 5–108
prevention of, 5–126
Food poisoning
acute bacterial
assessment of, 4–80
causes of, 4–79
follow-up for, 4–80
patient education for, 4–80
signs of, 4–80
symptoms of, 4–79—4–80
treatment for, 4–80
diarrhea with, 3–19
differential diagnosis for, 4–71
cutaneous innervation of, 5–173f
disorders of.See Podiatry; specific disorders
friction blisters of, 5–7
assessment of, 5–7
follow-up for, 5–8
patient education for, 5–8
signs of, 5–7
symptoms of, 5–7
treatment for, 5–7—5–8
nerve blockade of, 5–168—5–174
non-freezing cold injury of, 6–44—6–47
stress fractures of, 5–6
assessment of, 5–6
follow-up for, 5–7
patient education for, 5–7
signs of, 5–6
symptoms of, 5–6
treatment for, 5–6—5–7
Foot rot, caprine, 5–133—5–134
Footling breech, 3–96
Foreign body
in airway obstruction, 3–117
aspiration of
in asthma, 4–20
cough with, 3–15
dyspnea with, 3–115, 3–116
differential diagnosis of, 3–25
red eye with, 3–24
treatment of, 3–25
differential diagnosis of, 3–28
treatment of, 3–28
Foreign-body sensation, eye, 3–27
in Con-Trate method, 8–52
for foot rot in caprines, 5–134
Fournier’s gangrene, 3–77, 3–78
consultation criteria for, 3–79
treatment of, 3–78
of ankle, 3–76

in compartment syndrome, 8–31
compartment syndrome management in,
femoral shaft, 3–74
hip, 3–73
assessment of, 3–73
treatment of, 3–74
in hip dislocation, 3–68
in hypovolemic shock, 7–12
in joint pain, 3–59, 3–60
with low back pain, 3–6, 3–7
shoulder, 3–71
splinting for, 8–32
stress, foot, 5–6—5–7
of tooth or crown, 5–12—5–13
traction for, 8–33
with underwater blast injury, 6–19
Francisella tularensis, 5–102, 6–60
Frank breech, 3–96
Freckles, 4–38
Freezing injury. See Frostbite
Fresh frozen plasma, 8–15
Frostbite, 6–42
assessment of, 6–42
differential diagnosis of, 6–47
follow-up for, 6–43
patient education for, 6–43
symptoms and signs of, 6–42
treatment for, 6–42—6–43
Fruit, disinfection of, 5–109
Fruit juice, 4–31
Fulminant hepatic failure, 3–58
Fundus exam, 3–23
Fungal infections, 5–57
blastomycosis, 5–59—5–60
candidiasis, 5–57—5–59
coccidioidomycosis, 5–60—5–61
dermatophyte, 4–49—4–51
histoplasmosis, 5–61—5–62
paracoccidioidomycosis, 5–62—5–63
pityriasis versicolor, 4–51
pruritic, 3–114
Furosemide (Lasix)
for chest pain, 3–12
for congestive heart failure, 4–4
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for hypertensive emergency, 4–5
in pancreatitis, 4–82
side effects of, 7–28
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
Furunculosis, bacterial, 4–53

GA (tabun), 6–52
with non-freezing cold injury of foot, 6–47
testing in neurologic examination, 2–4
Gallstones. See also Cholecystitis, acute
alleviating or aggravating factors in pain of, 3–11
chest pain with, 3–10
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