Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Hemolytic reactions
to blood transfusion, 8–19
treatment for, 8–20
ducreyi, 5–28
influenzae, colonies of, 8–50
Hemorrhage. See also Gastrointestinal bleeding
with blast injuries
gastrointestinal, 7–23
pulmonary, 7–23
cardiopulmonary arrest from, 7–3
fluid resuscitation in, 7–14
in hypovolemic shock, 7–13
in hypovolemic shock, 7–12
identifying sites of under fire, 1–1
internal sources of, 7–2—7–3
tourniquet for under fire, 1–2
uncontrolled, 7–2
fluid resuscitation in, 7–14
with vitamin K deficiency, 5–138t
Hemorrhagic fever
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–33—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–69, 5–70
with renal syndrome, 5–68, 5–69
viral, 6–60—6–61
with yellow fever virus, 5–69
Hemorrhagic lesions, skin, 4–39
Hemorrhagic shock, 7–12
Hemostasis, during appendectomy, 4–73—4–77
thoracostomy for, 8–7
in trauma, 7–2
treatment of, 3–117, 7–24
for chest pain, 3–10, 3–12
for frostbite, 6–43
for pulmonary embolus, 4–24
bilirubin metabolism in, 3–57
chronic, 5–73—5–75
differential diagnosis of, 5–86, 5–87, 5–104
in jaundice, 3–58
preventive measures for, 3–59
treatment of, 3–58, 5–74t
Hepatitis A
assessment of, 5–71
cause of, 5–71
differential diagnosis of, 5–79
follow-up for, 5–72
patient education for, 5–72
signs of, 5–71
symptoms of, 5–71
vaccination against, 3–59
required, 5–105t
Hepatitis B, 5–72—5–73
differential diagnosis of, 5–71, 5–79
vaccination against, 3–59
required, 5–105t
Hepatitis C, 5–73—5–75

differential diagnosis of, 5–71
Hepatitis D, 5–72—5–73
differential diagnosis of, 5–71
Hepatitis E, 5–75—5–77
differential diagnosis of, 5–71
Hepatocellular carcinoma, 5–72
Hepatomegaly, 5–79
Hernia, incarcerated, 3–83
Herpes simplex virus
disseminated, 3–113t
differential diagnosis of, 5–67
memory loss with, 3–86
treatment of, 3–86
in genital ulcers, 5–28
differential diagnosis of, 3–24
red eye with, 3–24
treatment of, 3–25
treatment of, 5–29
Tzanck stain for, 8–48—8–49
in urethral discharges, 5–26
Herpes zoster virus, 4–47
chest pain with, 3–10
differential diagnosis of, 3–113t, 4–37, 5–16
Tzanck stain for, 8–48—8–49
differential diagnosis of, 5–67
genital blisters and nodules with, 4–89
Herpetic lesions, oral, 5–16
Hiatal hernia
chest pain with, 3–10
differential diagnosis of, 4–78
disqualifying condition for diving, 6–22
Hibiclens soap, 4–43
High altitude cerebral edema (HACE), 6–37,
assessment of, 6–39
differential diagnosis for, 6–41
follow-up for, 6–40
in high altitude pulmonary edema, 6–40
patient education for, 6–39—6–40
signs of, 6–39
symptoms of, 6–38—6–39
treatment for, 6–39
High altitude illness, 6–37—6–42
High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), 6–37
assessment of, 6–41
cause of, 6–40
follow-up for, 6–42
high altitude cerebral edema and, 6–38,
patient education for, 6–41—6–42
portable hyperbaric chamber for, 8–36
signs of, 6–40—6–41
symptoms of, 6–40
treatment for, 6–41
High-altitude retinal damage, 3–22
dislocation of
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