Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Piperacillin/tazobactam, 7–9
Piroxicam, 3–63
Pit vipers, 5–143
characteristics of, 5–146
identification of, 5–147
Pityriasis rosea
differential diagnosis of, 3–114
pruritus with, 3–113
Pityriasis versicolor
assessment of, 4–51
causes of, 4–51
follow-up for, 4–51
patient education for, 4–51
signs of, 4–51
symptoms of, 4–51
treatment for, 4–51
Pityrosporum orbicularis, 4–51
Placenta previa, 3–100
Placental abruption, 3–100
Placental delivery, 3–88, 3–92f, 3–93
Plague, 5–32
assessment of, 5–96
cause and transmission of, 5–95—5–96
follow-up for, 5–97
patient education for, 5–96
pneumonic, 6–58—6–59
required vaccination for, 5–106t
signs of, 5–96
symptoms of, 5–96
treatment for, 5–96
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–97
Plantar warts
assessment of, 5–4
cause of, 5–3
follow-up for, 5–4
patient education for, 5–4
signs of, 5–3
symptoms of, 5–3
treatment for, 5–4
in erysipelas, 4–42
in herpes zoster infection, 4–47
of psoriasis, 4–64
skin, 4–38
malariae, 5–44
vivax, 5–44
Plaster casts, volume-restricting, 8–31
count of, 5–65
morphological variations of, 8–58
Pleural effusion
assessment of, 4–15
exudative, 4–14, 4–15
follow-up, 4–15
patient education for, 4–15
of pus, 4–17
signs of, 4–14—4–15
symptoms of, 4–14
transudative, 4–14, 4–15

treatment of, 3–117, 4–15
types of, 4–14
Pleural friction rub, 4–17
Pleurectomy, 4–18
differential diagnosis of, 4–78
in pericarditis, 4–6
Pneumatic anti-shock garment, 7–2
for anaphylactic shock, 7–11
for hemorrhage control in hypovolemic
shock, 7–13
indications for, 8–13
premature removal of, 8–14
procedure for, 8–13—8–14
Pneumococcal peritonitis, 4–71
Pneumococcal vaccine, 4–22
Pneumococcus colonies, identification of, 8–50
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, 4–18
alleviating or aggravating factors in, 4–12—4–13
assessment of, 4–13
atypical, 4–11, 4–18, 5–86
chest pain with, 3–10
common causes of, 4–14
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
cough with, 3–15
differential diagnosis of, 4–78, 5–64, 6–41,
6–57, 6–59, 6–60
dyspnea with, 3–115, 3–116
treatment of, 3–117
empyema and, 4–17
follow-up, 4–14
fungal, 5–54
lobar, 4–13
mycoplasma, 4–13
patient education for, 4–13
pleural effusion with, 4–15
signs of, 4–13
symptoms of, 4–12—4–13
treatment for, 4–13
principles of, 4–12
viral, 4–13
vital signs suggesting, 3–11
Pneumonic plague, 6–58—6–59
Pneumopericardium, 8–12
with blast injury, 7–26
chest pain with, 3–10
quality of, 3–10
as disqualifying condition for diving, 6–21
pericardiocentesis for, 8–13
in pericarditis, 4–6
referred pain to shoulder in, 3–70
with thoracentesis, 4–15—4–16
thoracostomy for, 8–7
in trauma, 7–2
treatment for, 3–12, 3–117, 7–24
with underwater blast injury, 6–19
bunions, 5–4—5–5
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