Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Red eye, non-traumatic, 3–24
assessment of, 3–24—3–25
follow-up, 3–26
patient education for, 3–25
signs of, 3–24
symptoms of, 3–24
treatment for, 3–25
Red rubber Robinson, 8–34
for elbow joint dislocation, 3–67
of hip dislocation, 3–69
of patellar dislocation, 3–69
of radial head subluxation, 3–68
for shoulder dislocation, 3–66—3–67
of shoulder fracture, 3–71
of temporomandibular joint dislocation,
Referred pain, abdominal, 3–1
Refractometer method, 8–41
Regional blocks, 5–163—5–164
Reglan, 3–56
Rehabilitation, shoulder joint, 3–72
for bacterial food poisoning, 4–80
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–28
for fever, 3–34f
for heat cramps, 6–48
for hypovolemic shock, 7–14
indications, benefits, and cautions for, 7–15t
Reiter’s syndrome
differential diagnosis of, 5–98
joint pain with, 3–60
patient education for, 3–64
Relapsing fever
assessment of, 5–89
cause and transmission of, 5–89
follow-up for, 5–90
patient education for, 5–90
signs of, 5–89
symptoms of, 5–89
treatment for, 5–90
Relaxation exercises
for anxiety, 3–5
for chronic pelvic pain, 3–44t, 3–47
Relenza (zanamivir), 4–11—4–12
REM sleep apnea, 4–25
Renal failure, hypertensive, 4–5
Respiratory disorders
acute respiratory distress syndrome, 4–24—4–25
allergic pneumonitis, 4–18—4–19
apnea, 4–25—4–27
asthma, 4–19—4–21
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
common cold and flu, 4–10—4–12
empyema, 4–17—4–18
pleural effusion, 4–14—4–15
pneumonia, 4–12—4–14
pulmonary embolus, 4–23—4–24
thoracentesis for, 4–15—4–16

Respiratory distress
assessment of under fire, 1–1
in trauma, 7–2
Respiratory distress syndrome, 3–93
Respiratory examination, 2–3
Respiratory obstruction, 3–14
Respiratory rate, 7–3
Rest, for operational stress, 5–148
Restraint, of animals, 5–128—5–130
algorithms for, 4–8
for blast injury, 7–24
Retinal detachment
in acute vision loss, 3–22
differential diagnosis of, 3–23
Retinoic acid, 4–49
Retinoid gel, 4–48
Retinoids, 5–138t
Reverse osmosis water purification unit
(ROWPU), 5–118
Reversing agents, pain control, 8–40
Review of systems (ROS), 2–3
Reye’s syndrome, 5–80
Rh factor, 8–15
Rh typing, 8–59—8–60
in crossmatching, 8–60—8–61
Rheumatic fever, acute
assessment of, 5–98—5–99
cause of, 5–98
follow-up for, 5–99
Jones diagnostic criteria of, 5–98
patient education for, 5–99
signs of, 5–98
symptoms of, 5–98
treatment for, 5–99
Rheumatoid arthritis
in diabetes mellitus, 4–28
fatigue with, 3–30t
treatment of, 3–63
Rheumatologic disorders, 3–31
allergic, 4–11
irritant, 4–11
Rhonchi, 4–22
Rhythm disturbance, syncope with, 3–118
Ribavirin, 5–69
Riboflavin deficiency, 5–137t
RICE regimen, 3–75
Rickets, 5–138t
akari, 5–83
austrtalis, 5–83
conorii, 5–83
rickettsia, 5–83
typhi, 5–83
Rickettsial fever, 5–66, 5–70
Rickettsial infections, 5–83—5–85
assessment of, 5–84
causes of, 5–83
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–34f
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