Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


assessment of, 5–47
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–30—3–34f
follow-up for, 5–47
patient education for, 5–47
signs of, 5–46
symptoms of, 5–46
transmission of, 5–46
treatment for, 5–47
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–47
Schizophrenia, 5–152
Schizophreniform disorder, 5–152
Schober maneuver, 3–61
assessment of, 3–73
in low back pain, 3–6
Scleral icterus, jaundice of, 3–57
differential diagnosis of, 3–25
red eye with, 3–24
treatment of, 3–25
Sclerosing lymphangitis, penile, 3–78
treatment of, 3–78
Scoliosis, 3–6
for eye injury, 3–28
for red eye, 3–25
side effects of, 3–118
Scorpionfish, 6–13
Scotch tape test, 8–51—8–52
Scours, 5–135—5–136
Scrofuloderma, 4–44
Scrotal support
for epididymitis, 3–84
for testis torsion prevention, 3–83
cellulitis of, 3–78
examination of for urinary tract problems,
mass in, 3–79—3–80
pain in, 4–88
Scrub typhus, 5–83
differential diagnosis of, 5–91
treatment of, 5–84
SCUBA tanks, carbon monoxide in, 6–11
Scurvy, 5–137t
differential diagnosis of, 5–15
Sea anemone, 6–13—6–14
Sea blubber, 6–13—6–14
Sea lions, 6–17
Sea nettle, 6–13—6–14
Sea snakes, 5–143, 6–14
treatment for, 6–16
Sea urchins, 6–14
treatment for, 6–15—6–16
Sea wasps, 6–13—6–14
cooking, 5–109
in paragonimiasis, 5–45—5–46
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia, 4–48

Seborrheic dermatitis, 3–114, 4–65
Seborrheic keratosis, 4–68
assessment of, 4–69
follow-up for, 4–69
patient education for, 4–69
signs of, 4–69
symptoms of, 4–68
Seizure disorders
assessment of, 4–34
causes of, 4–34
follow-up for, 4–35
memory loss with, 3–86
patient education for, 4–35
signs of, 4–34
symptoms of, 4–34
treatment of, 4–34—4–35
assessing under fire, 1–1
atypical, 6–31
differential diagnosis of, 4–31, 5–49, 5–101,
in eclampsia, 3–105
with preterm birth, 3–93
syncope with, 3–118
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
for anxiety, 3–5
for depression, 3–17, 3–31
Selenium sulfide, 4–51
Self-reduction, shoulder, 3–66
Semen, blood in, 4–88
Senna bisacodyl, 3–13
Seoul virus, 5–68
in adrenal insufficiency, 4–27
fever with, 3–32
with preterm birth, 3–93
Septic arthritis
diagnostic tests for, 3–71
knee pain with, 3–75
treatment of, 3–74
Septic joint, 3–59, 3–60
treatment of, 3–63
Septic shock, 7–13
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
for urinary tract infections, 4–93, 4–94
Septra DS, 3–84
for prostatitis, 3–81
in testis torsion treatment, 3–83
Serevent (salmeterol)
for asthma, 4–20
for COPD, 4–22
Serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). See
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Sertraline (Zoloft), 3–17
Serum sickness, 3–113t
Sexually transmitted diseases
genital ulcers, 5–28—5–30
screening for, 3–49
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