The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
Vasudeo, another name of Vishnu), and from Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha
no. 146—to Chaupai line no. 4 that precedes Doha no. 148 (where we learn that the
Lord Vishnu revealed himself as Lord Ram with Sita representing goddess Laxmi by
his side).
But this did not happen in the case of Uma. It was “Brahm’s voice” and not
“Shiva’s voice”. So, in order to remove her doubts, the voice had to give her certain
proof by citing events in the future. And the two events that it cited are: (i) her father
coming to her with a request to go home, and (ii) the seven sages coming to her.
Brahma had made predictions elsewhere also. For instance, later on in the story
of Ram Charit Manas it is narrated that when Hunuman entered Lanka and was
confronted by the demoness called Lankini, he had hit her viciously with his fist,
leading her to fall and vomit blood. At that time Lankini recalled the prophesy made
by Brahma when he saw her after granting boons to the demon king Ravana and his
brothers Kumbhakaran and Vibhishan. Brahma had told her that “when she would fall
down upon being hit by a monkey, she should be warned that the end of the cruel
demons was near”—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Sundar Kand, Chaupai line nos. 4-7
that precede Doha no. 4.]

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sunata girā bidhi gagana bakhānī. pulaka gāta girijā haraṣānī. 5.

Hearing the instructions of the sacred voice of Vidhi (the creator Brahma) from the
heaven, Girijaa’s body was thrilled with happiness and she was very delighted. (5)
[Note—The reason for her happiness and joy was obvious: it was now certain that her
efforts at acquiring Lord Shiva as her divine husband were successful. What more
would any person want?]

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umā carita sundara maiṁ gāvā. sunahu sambhu kara carita suhāvā. 6.
jaba tēṁ satīṁ jā'i tanu tyāgā. taba tēṁ siva mana bhaya'u birāgā. 7.
japahiṁ sadā raghunāyaka nāmā. jaham̐ taham̐ sunahiṁ rāma guna grāmā.

[Now there is a pause in our narration. We shall read below what happened during the
intervening time after Sati had died by burning herself in fire at her father Daksha’s
place, and the present sequence of events in her new birth as Uma when she was
blessed by Brahma that her wishes to marry Shiva are sure to be fulfilled.]
I (sage Yagyawalkya said to sage Bharadwaj) have narrated the beautiful and
interesting events in the life of Uma. Now, listen to the other interesting events that
are associated with the pleasant story of Lord Shiva. (6)
Ever since the time Sati had gone (to her father’s place during the fire
sacrifice) and left her gross body (i.e. died by buring herself in the fire of Yoga),
Shiva’s mind and heart became like a recluse: he assumed a renunciate attitude,
becaming totally aloof and detached from everything. (7)
[So, what was he doing in the meantime?] He spent his time constantly
repeating (doing “Japa” of) the holy name of Lord Ram^1 , as well as preaching and

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