The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

Oh Lord! It is proclaimed by saints and also declared by the scriptures such as the
Vedas and Purans that true and pure form of wisdom cannot be expected in the heart
of someone who conceals his ignorance from his guru (teacher). [And that is why I
have gathered courage to express my lack of knowledge to you so that true and pure
form of wisdom can sprout in my inner-self, and I can become enlightened.] (Doha
no. 45)
[Note—Sage Bharadwaj wishes to be enlightened about the divinity of Lord Ram,
and unless one has pure form of wisdom firmly established in his heart, this
knowledge would elude him—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Uttar Kand, Chaupai line no.
11 that precedes Doha no. 122.
Without proper wisdom no one can expect to cross over this huge ocean-like
world and find liberation and deliverance from its horrors—refer also to Vinai Patrika
of Tulsidas, (a) verse no. 115, line no. 2 of stanza no. 5; and (b) verse no. 123.]

Ram Charit Manas—Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha no.

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asa bicāri pragaṭa'um̐ nija mōhū. harahu nātha kari jana para chōhū. 1.

Considering all the aforesaid facts I have decided to reveal my ignorance. Oh Lord,
please be kind to remove it and be gracious upon me who am your follower (or your
disciple) (1)

Ram Charit Manas—Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha no. 47:--

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jaisēṁ miṭai mōra bhrama bhārī. kahahu sō kathā nātha bistārī. 1.

Oh Lord! In whatever way my ignorance and delusions can be removed, please be
gracious enough to tell that story in detail.’ (1)
[Note—The above verses are a sort of preamble that introduces the reader to the main
part of our narration of Lord Shiva’s marriage with Parvati. Thus we learn that this
story was told to sage Bharadwaj by sage Yagyawalkya at the end of the auspicious
month of Makar in the holy city of Prayag where Bharadwaj had his hermitage.
Now we shall read this great story of Lord Shiva’s marriage in the following

Ram Charit Manas: from Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes
Doha no. 48—to Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha no. 104:—

[Hearing sage Bharadwaj’s sincere plea, the learned sage Yagyawalkya began his
narration as follows—]

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