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sakala suranha kē hṛdayam̐ asa saṅkara parama uchāhu.
nija nayananhi dēkhā cahahiṁ nātha tumhāra bibāhu. 88.
‘Oh Lord Shankar (Shiva)! All the gods have a strong desire in their hearts that they
wish to see the auspicious celebration of your marriage with their own eyes. [That is,
the gods want to enjoy the spectacle of seeing you married. They want to witness this
auspicious and happy occasion and participate in your marriage ceremony.] (Doha no.
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yaha utsava dēkhi'a bhari lōcana. sō'i kachu karahu madana mada mōcana. 1.
Oh Lord who has trounced the pride of Madan (Kaamdeo)^1! Please let our eyes feast
on the wonderful spectacle of your marriage. Please do whatever is appropriate so that
we can have the privilege of seeing the ceremony of your marriage till our eyes feel
contented (and we can fully enjoy the spectacle by witnessing the ceremony
ourselves). (1)
[Note—^1 Lord Shiva had vanquished Kaamdeo’s pride of being able to detract
everyone in this creation without exception from their vow of self-restraint over their
natural instincts of passion and lust. Kaamdeo had failed to arouse lust and passion in
Shiva as he had successfully done with even the sages, seers, hermits and ascetics on
the one hand, and gods etc. on the other hand. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand,
from Chaupai line no. 7 that precedes Doha no. 84—to Doha no. 85.
No one had dared to confront Kaamdeo, and all became an easy victim of his
nefarious design, except Shiva. Shiva had burnt Kaamdeo because the latter was
breaking all barriers and had become reckless and uncontrolled. If Kaamdeo was not
punished, the moral fabric of the entire creation would lie in tatters. The moral
decline had already started, and the downward slide was rapid. But it was still not too
late and a break had to be applied. Though the current generation had become
depraved and pervert, but the future generations could be saved. Lord Shiva thought
that it was his moral obligation to eliminate Kaamdeo whose behaviour was no
different from the demons. The system established by the scriptures for the regulation
of the society and proper conduct of its members had crumbled under the onslaught
of Kaamdeo just like it was under the rule of the demons. This will be clear when we
compare the events that unfolded in the world under the influence of Kaamdeo as
narrated in Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 84 along with its preceding
Chaupai line nos. 7-8 and Chanda line nos. 1-4, with the developments under the rule
of the demons led by their king Ravana as narrated in Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand,
from Chaupai line no. 5 that precedes Doha no. 183—to Chaupai line no. 5 that
precedes Doha no. 184.
In this context, it will be interesting to read note no. 1 appended to Chaupai line
nos. 5-6 that precede Doha no. 87 herein above.]