The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
The answer is obvious: Narad has now revealed the past of Parvati in the
presence of the Sapta-rishis, which means they are upholding the truth of what he
says, they stand witness to his statement. He hadn’t done it earlier, which was the
reason why doubts existed in everyone’s mind. No one knew who Parvati actually
was, that she had herself chosen to be eternally devoted to Lord Shiva even before
she took birth in the present form as the daughter of Himwaan and Maina. So this
clarification by Narad settled the dust and made everyone happy.
*According to “Shiva Puran”, 2/3/8/29-48, Narad had explained these things to
Himaachal, the father of Parvati, in the very beginning, which is perhaps the reason
why he was calm and convinced throughout.]

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taba mayanā himavantu anandē. puni puni pārabatī pada bandē. 1.

[The revelations of Narad had a profound and stunning affect on everyone so much so
that besides erupting in joy at the thought that they are lucky to have the cosmic
Shakti of the Supreme Being amongst them in a living form as their beloved princess
and loving daughter by the name of Parvati, the parents felt obliged to worship
Parvati’s feet as a token of showing respect to the ‘living goddess’ and thanking her

for choosing them to be her parents.]

Then, Maina and Himwant were overjoyed with delight. They repeatedly
worshipped the holy feet of Parvati (because they now realised that she is not their
daughter in the conventional sense, but was the cosmic Shakti who has given them the
rarest of rare privilege to become her ‘parents’ when she decided to reveal herself in
their household as the living goddess by the name of Parvati). (1)

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nāri puruṣa sisu jubā sayānē. nagara lōga saba ati haraṣānē. 2.
lagē hōna pura maṅgalagānā. sajē sabahiṁ hāṭaka ghaṭa nānā. 3.

[Not only Parvati’s parents, but the entire city erupted in joy.]
All the citizens of the city, whether they were women, men, children or adults,
all of them were very jubilant and exhilarated. (2)
Auspicious songs were sung, and their accompanying music began playing in
the entire city. Everyone decorated their homes and home-fronts by putting up
decorated golden pitchers (or vases) and other paraphernalia. (3)
[Note—A moment ago there was all-encompassing gloom, dejection and despair. But
the tide turned all of a sudden, and cheer rang out through the length and the breath of
the city as soon as the news spread of what Narad had said.
We observe a similar development unravelling itself in relation to Lord Ram’s
marriage with Sita. Sita’s marriage was centered on a vow made by her father, king
Janak, that anyone who would break a bow known as “Pinak” would marry her. A
huge congregation was arranged where all the mighty kings and princes of the time
had assembled to try their luck. But no one could as much as move the bow, let alone
lifting it and breaking it. Even Janak had declared that Sita will have to remain

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