The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
When Sita was about to bid farewell to her parents at the time of her departure
with the marriage party of Lord Ram, a similar description is given in Ram Charit
Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 6-7 that precedes Doha no. 337. Sita’s mother
too had mustered courage to regain self-control even as she embraced her daughter
repeatedly just like Maina does here.]

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saba nārinha mili bhēṭi bhavānī. jā'i janani ura puni lapaṭānī. 8.

Bhavaani (Parvati) met all the women-folk assembled there, and went once again to
her mother, and, falling at her feet, she wrapped herself around it (i.e. she firmly
clasped her mother’s feet) (8)
[Note—Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha
no. 337 where we read a similar narration with respect to Sita’s final hours with her
lady companions and her mother.]

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jananihi bahuri mili calī ucita asīsa saba kāhūm̐ da'īṁ. 1.
phira phiri bilōkati mātu tana taba sakhīṁ lai siva pahiṁ ga'īṁ. 2.
jācaka sakala santōṣi saṅkaru umā sahita bhavana calē. 3.
saba amara haraṣē sumana baraṣi nisāna nabha bājē bhalē. 4.

Parvati met her mother once again for the last time, and made her departure for her
husband’s home. All those who were assembled there to bid her farewell uttered
appropriate blessings for her. (Chanda line no. 1)
Even as Parvati moved away from her mother, she kept on glancing back
repeatedly towards her mother (because she was extremely overwhelmed with love
and grief of separation from her loving mother)^1. Her friends insisted that she refrain
from being sentimental, and took her forward to where Lord Shiva was. (Chanda line
no. 2)
Having satisfied the desires of all the alms-seekers who had gathered there,
Lord Shiva started on his journey home (with his consort) Uma^2. (Chanda line no. 3)
As the marriage procession wend its way back to the home of Lord Shiva, all
the gods (who had come to attend the marriage ceremony) became exhilarated and
showered flowers. At the same time, musical instruments such as the kettle-drums
were played melodiously in the sky (the heaven)^3. (Chanda line no. 4)
[Note—Compare these lines with the time when Sita took leave of her parents
and joined her husband, Lord Ram, as the marriage party of the Lord made its
ceremonial departure from Janakpur for Ayodhya, the capital city of Lord Ram.

(^1) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 337 along with its preceding
Chaupai line nos. 6-8.

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