(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 361 along with its preceding Chanda
line nos. 3-4 where the same idea is expressed in relation to the story of Lord Ram’s
marriage with Sita.]
ŒÙ0. øÁ⁄Uà ®‚œÈ ÁªÁ⁄U¡Ê ⁄U◊Ÿ ’Œ Ÿ ¬Êfl®„U ¬ÊL§–
’⁄UŸÒ ÃÈ‹‚ËŒÊ‚È Á∑§Á◊ •Áà ◊ÁÃ◊¢Œ ªflÊ°L§H 103H
carita sindhu girijā ramana bēda na pāvahiṁ pāru.
baranai tulasīdāsu kimi ati matimanda gavām̐ru. 103.
The life and deeds of the dear Lord of Girija (i.e. Lord Shiva, the dear husband of the
daughter of the mountains, Parvati) are like an ocean, i.e. so vast and indescribable,
that even the Vedas are unable to cross them (or fully narrate them).
Therefore, how can the humble Tulsidas, who has a limited intellect and is
very follish, ever be able to do so^1? (Doha no. 103)
[Note—^1 This is merely an expression of Tulsidas’ excellent sense of humility and
modesty that he does not want to take credit for whatever he has written. The fact
remains that Tulsidas’ writings have remained unmatched in their beauty and spiritual
depth in the annals of devotional literature anywhere in the world, and so this
statement of his is simply to express his humility and modesty.
In Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 8 and Chanda line nos. 1-2
that precede Doha no. 361, the great poet-saint-savant Tuslidas has made it
abundantly clear why he has decided to narrate the divine story which he titled “Ram
Charit Manas”. He says that he has done it to “purify his own speech”.
Further, in the very beginning of this book he has expressed his humility and
modesty while laying out the groundwork and outlining the reason why he chose to
write this epic. Refer especially to Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line
no. 1 that precedes Doha no. 12—to Doha no. 15.]
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sambhu carita suni sarasa suhāvā. bharadvāja muni ati sukhu pāvā. 1.
Hearing this wonderful and auspicious story of Lord Shiva’s life and deeds, sage
Bharadwaj found much comfort, peace and happiness. (1)
[Note—This verse rounds up the episode of Lord Shiva’s marriage which sage
Yagyawalkya had narrated to sage Bharadwaj. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand,
Doha no. 47.]