The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

Ever since the day Bhavani (Parvati)—who is a treasury of all auspiciousness,
good fortunes and welfare—took birth in the house of ‘Giri’ (the king of mountains),
all the ‘Riddhis and Siddhis’, accompanied by all sorts of prosperity and wealth, came
to reside in it. [That is, when Parvati took birth in the household of Himwan, there
was happiness, cheer and well-being all around; there was no dearth of anything at
all.]^1 (8)
[Note—^1 A similar idea is expressed by Tulsidas in Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand,
from Chaupai line no. 7 that precedes Doha no. 65—to Chaupai line no. 4 that
precedes Doha no. 66.]

fur uo ldy dY;ku eaxy eksne; eqfu ekughaA

czãkfn lqj uj ukx vfr vuqjkx Hkkx c[kkughaAA

firq ekrq fç; ifjok# gj"kfga fujf[k ikyfga ykgghaA

flr ik[k ck<+fr pafnzdk tuq panHkw"ku HkkyghaAA1AA

nita nava sakala kalyāna maṅgala mōdamaya muni mānahīṁ.
brahmādi sura nara nāga ati anurāga bhāga bakhānahīṁ.
pitu mātu priya parivāru haraṣahiṁ nirakhi pālahiṁ lāhahīṁ.
sita pākha bāṛhati candrikā janu candabhūṣana bhālahīṁ. 1.

Chanda 1. At the time Parvati took birth, the sages and seers celebrated the occasion
by organizing many religious festivities in a most cheerful manner.
The gods led by the creator Brahma, all of mankind, and the subterreanean
creatures led by the serpents also joined in the celebrations, and all of them praised
Himwan and lauded his immense good luck (that he was honoured and blessed by
having Parvati, the Mother Goddess, as his daughter, which is indeed a rarest of rare
The parents (Maina and Himwan) and other family members, as well as the
rest of the kith and kin felt very exhilarated when they watched her (Parvati), and all
of them shared the joy and participated enthusiastically in taking care of and bringing
up the holy girl child.
As Parvati grew up day-by-day, she appeared to be like the wonderful moon
that adorns the forehead of Lord Shiva, who is known as ‘Chandra Bhushan^1 ’,
during its bright fortnight when the moon’s disc goes on increasing daily in its size,
radiance and brightness. [That is, just like the moon’s disc and its size goes on
increasing every night during the bright fortnight, the beauty and glory of Parvati
went on enhancing day after day as she grew up in the household of king Himwan.]
(Chanda no. 1)
[Note—^1 Lord Shiva is called ‘Chandra Bhushan’ because the crescent moon adorns
his forehead. This moon goes on increasing in its shape and radiance during the bright

dq¡vfj l;kfu fcyksfd ekrq&firq lkspfgaA

fxfjtk tksxq tqfjfg c# vuqfnu ykspfgaAA9AA

,d le; fgeoku Hkou ukjn x,A

fxfjc# eSuk eqfnr eqfufg iwtr Hk,AA10AA

kum̐ari sayāni bilōki mātu-pitu sōcahiṁ.
girijā jōgu jurihi baru anudina lōcahiṁ. 9.

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