The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

Her amazement and joy at the sudden turn of events for good had made her
stunned and dazed in astonishment just like a person who has been a pauper since
birth suddenly finding a precious stone known as the ‘Mahaamani’ (literally, the great
gem; here meaning the magical gem that can convert anything into priceless jewel; or
else it might also refer to the philosopher’s stone that converts base metals into gold).
Such a person is absolutely dumbfounded and stares at the Mahaamani in
stunning disbelief, unable to realise that he is holding a stone that has magical powers,
or that a stone as simple as the one he holds in his hand is ever capable of showing
any sort of magical powers that are legendary and astounding. [That is, though Parvati
is seeing Shiva standing right in front of her, she could not believe her eyes. She was
dumbfounded and too stunned to react.] (70)

lqQy euksjFk Hk;m xkSfj lksgb lqfBA

?kj rs [ksyr eugq¡ vcfga vkbZ mfBAA71AA

nsf[k :i vuqjkx egsl Hk, clA

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suphala manōratha bhaya'u gauri sōha'i suṭhi.
ghara tē khēlata manahum̐ abahiṁ ā'ī uṭhi. 71.
dēkhi rūpa anurāga mahēsa bha'ē basa.
kahata bacana janu sāni sanēha sudhā rasa. 72.

71-72. The wishes of Gauri (Parvati) had been fulfilled. This achiecvement lifted her
spirits to a new high, and made her look all the more charming and magnificent. It
appears as if she has just arrived from her home to have some sort of game or sport.
[That is, she seems healthy and cheerful. There was not a single sign of her doing any
kind of severe Tapa or undergoing any kind of hardship associated with it. Prior to her
meeting with Shiva, Parvati was lean and thin, being emaciated due to her long Tapa.
But as soon as the Lord revealed himself before her, a magical change occurred in her
as she regained her original beauty and charm.] (71)
Looking at her beauty and charm as well as her affection and sincerity,
Mahesh (Lord Shiva) was captivated and enchanted by her, and he spoke to her
affectionately with sweet words which were soaked in Amrit (or nectar). (72)

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hamahi āju lagi kana'uṛa kāhum̐ na kīnhē'u.
pārabatī tapa prēma mōla mōhi līnhē'u. 73.
aba jō kahahu sō kara'um̐ bilambu na ēhiṁ gharī.
suni mahēsa mṛdu bacana pulaki pāyanha parī. 74.

73-74. [Shiva said—] ‘No one has made me feel so much indebted and obliged till
date as you have. Oh Parvati, you have literally bought me over with your Tapa
(austerities and penances) as well as with your profound and undiluted love and
affection for me. I am indeed full of gratitude towards you. (73)

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