The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
Celebrations and preparations in Parvati’s household

fcç c`an luekfu iwft dqy xqj lqjA

ijsm fulkufga ?kkm pkm pgq¡ fnfl iqjAA83AA

fxfj cu lfjr fla/kq lj lqub tks ik;mA

lc dg¡ fxfjcj uk;d usor iBk;mAA84AA

bipra bṛnda sanamāni pūji kula gura sura.
parē'u nisānahiṁ ghā'u cā'u cahum̐ disi pura. 83.
giri bana sarita sindhu sara suna'i jō pāya'u.
saba kaham̐ giribara nāyaka nēvata paṭhāya'u. 84.

83-84. Himwan honoured the Brahmins and other elders. Then he worshipped the
clan’s Guru (moral preceptor) and the Gods. Musical drums were sounded, and there
was a general atmosphere of cheerful excitement, of joy and celebration, in all the
directions of the city. (83)
Mountains and hills, forests and gardens, rivers, streams and rivulets, seas,
oceans and other large water-bodies, as well as the lakes and ponds—whosoever was
heard of was sent an invitation by Giribar who was the best amongst the mountains.^1
[The word ‘Giribar’ means the senior Mountain; the king of the mountains. It
should be remembered that all these entities have been personified in this verse. It
basically means that all the kings of these kingdoms were invited to the marriage of
the daughter of their emperor, the king of Mountains, Himwan.] (84)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 3-6 that precede
Doha no. 94.]

/kfj /kfj lqanj cs"k pys gjf"kr fg,¡A

po¡j phj migkj gkj efu xu fy,¡AA85AA

dgsm gjf"k fgeoku fcrku cukouA

gjf"kr yxha lqvkflfu eaxy xkouAA86AA

dhari dhari sundara bēṣa calē haraṣita hi'ēm̐.
cavam̐ra cīra upahāra hāra mani gana li'ēm̐. 85.
kahē'u haraṣi himavāna bitāna banāvana.
haraṣita lagīṁ su'āsini maṅgala gāvana. 86.

85-86. All of them assumed beautiful forms and started off to attend the marriage with
a cheerful mind and exhilarated heart, taking along with them gifts such as ceremonial
whisks, garments and robes, garlands and necklaces, and gems and jewels. (85)
Himwan delightedly ordered expert artisans to construct the ‘Mandap’ (a
ceremonial canopy under which the marriage ceremony was to be formalised)^1 , while
married girls began singing auspicious and celebratory songs suitable for the
occasion^2. (86)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 2 that precedes Doha
no. 94.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand—(i) Chaupai line no. 2 that precedes Doha
no. 96; (ii) Chaupai line nos. 2-3 that precedes Doha no. 99.]

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