The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
Preparation of the Groom’s Party

csfx cksykb fcjafp cpkb yxu tcA

dgsfUg fcvkgu pygq cqykb vej lcAA89AA

fcf/k iB, tg¡ rg¡ lc flo xu /kkouA

lqfu gj"kfga lqj dgfga fulku ctkouAA90AA

bēgi bōlā'i biran̄ci bacā'i lagana jaba.
kahēnhi bi'āhana calahu bulā'i amara saba. 89.
bidhi paṭha'ē jaham̐ taham̐ saba siva gana dhāvana.
suni haraṣahiṁ sura kahahiṁ nisāna bajāvana. 90.

89-90. Then Shiva immediately called Brahma (the patriarch of the Gods) and made
him read the marriage invitation. Then the latter asked him to summon and collect all
the Gods and start preparing for the marriage ceremony. (89)
He sent Shiva’s followers as messengers in all the directions. Hearing this, the
Gods were exhilarant, and they ordered drums to be played to celebrate the good
news.^1 (90)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 6 that precedes Doha
no. 89.]

jpfga fceku cukb lxqu ikofga HkysA

fut fut lktq lektq lkft lqjxu pysAA91AA

eqfnr ldy flo nwr Hkwr xu xktfgaA

lwdj efg"k Loku [kj ckgu lktfgaAA92AA

racahiṁ bimāna banā'i saguna pāvahiṁ bhalē.
nija nija sāju samāju sāji suragana calē. 91.
mudita sakala siva dūta bhūta gana gājahiṁ.
sūkara mahiṣa svāna khara bāhana sājahiṁ. 92.

91-92. They got their air-vehicles decorated and readied. Many auspicious signs
occurred at that time. In this way, the Gods prepared themselves and set off to join the
marriage party of Lord Shiva.^1 (91)
The followers of Shiva as well as other ghosts, phantoms etc. were thundering
with joy and exhilaration. They decorated the various mounts such as pigs, buffaloes,
dogs, donkeys etc. (for the marriage party).^2 (92)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 91, and Chaupai line nos. 7-
8 that precede Doha no. 92.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 93 along with its preceding Chaupai
line nos. 6-8 and the Chanda that accompanies them.]

ukpfga ukuk jax rjax c<+kofgaA

vt mywd c`d ukn xhr xu xkofgaAA93AA

jekukFk lqjukFk lkFk lc lqj xuA

vk, tg¡ fcf/k laHkq nsf[k gj"ks euAA94AA
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