The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
deB [kij ef<+ [kky fulku ctkofgaA

uj diky ty Hkfj&Hkfj fivfga fivkofgaAA99AA

cj vuqgjr cjr cuh gfj g¡fl dgkA

lqfu fg;¡ g¡lr egsl dsfy dkSrqd egkAA100AA

kamaṭha khapara maḍhi khāla nisāna bajāvahiṁ.
nara kapāla jala bhari-bhari pi'ahiṁ pi'āvahiṁ. 99.
bara anuharata barata banī hari ham̐si kahā.
suni hiyam̐ ham̐sata mahēsa kēli kautuka mahā. 100.

99-100. They (the companions of Lord Shiva) used the hollowed-out shell of tortoise
with a hide (skin) stretched taut across it as drums to play music with. They filled the
upturned skulls of humans with water and used them as a cup to drink water from, and
asked others to drink from it too. (99)
Hari (Lord Vishnu) laughed at the funny sight and said jokingly that the
marriage party was compatible with the nature and temperament of the groom^1. [This
is because Lord Shiva is the Lord of ghosts and phantoms, and he lives an austere life
like that of a mendicant or hermit who is accustomed to living simply and without
pomp and pretensions.]
Hearing this, Mahesh (Lord Shiva) also laughed internally, and felt cheerful in
his heart^2. [That is, Lord Shiva did not mind the jokes cracked by Vishnu, but rather
enjoyed the satirical comments, taking it in good humour and in his stride. Shiva
knew that Lord Vishnu had great affection and respect for him, and it is usual for
close friends to tease the groom during marriage ceremonies. So, Shiva also enjoyed
Vishnu’s sarcastic comments instead of feeling hurt or offended by them.]
In this way, there was a spectacle of fun, jest and merry-making as the
members of the marriage party poked fun at the groom and his attendants as they
wended their way cheerfully to the bride’s place. (100)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha
no. 94.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 3 that precedes Doha no.
Arrival of the marriage party at the bride’s place

cM+ fcuksn ex eksn u dNq dfg vkorA

tkb uxj fu;jkfu cjkr ctkorAA101AA

iqj [kjHkj mj gj"ksm vpy v[kaMyqA

ijc mnf/k mexsm tuq yf[k fc/kq eaMyqAA102AA

baṛa binōda maga mōda na kachu kahi āvata.
jā'i nagara niyarāni barāta bajāvata. 101.
pura kharabhara ura haraṣē'u acala akhaṇḍalu.
paraba udadhi umagē'u janu lakhi bidhu maṇḍalu. 102.

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