The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

rati sihāhiṁ lakhi rūpa gāna suni bhārati. 118.

117-118. At the first gate itself, there was an affectionate and cordial union between
the two sides. On this (Shiva’s) side was Brahma (the patriarch amongst the Gods),
and on the other (Parvati’s) side was Himwan. Both of them were equal in stature and
fame, and were equally worthy, capable and potent.
[Brahma, the creator, acted as the guardian of Shiva—it was he who had sent
the marriage proposal to Himwan. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand—(i) Chaupai
line no. 7 that precedes Doha no. 89; and (ii) Chaupai line no. 6 that precedes Doha
no. 91 which are explicit on this issue.] (117)
The women-folk went ahead to perform the ceremonial ‘Arti’ (i.e. showing of
lighted lamps on a platter as an auspicious gesture to honour the guest and show that
he is welcome and respected) with golden platters studded with gems.^1
Seeing their stupendous beauty, even Rati (the consort of Kamdeo-cupid)
praised them, while Bharti (also known as ‘Saraswati’, the goddess of learning and
special skills) lauded their singing expertise, prowess and acumen. (118)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 2 that precedes Doha
no. 96.]

Hkjh Hkkx vuqjkx iqyfd ru eqn euA

enu eÙk xtxofu pyha cj ifjNuAA119AA

cj fcyksfd fc/kq xkSj lqvax mtkxjA

djfr vkjrh lklq exu lq[k lkxjAA120AA

bharī bhāga anurāga pulaki tana muda mana.
madana matta gajagavani calīṁ bara parichana. 119.
bara bilōki bidhu gaura su'aṅga ujāgara.
karati āratī sāsu magana sukha sāgara. 120.

119-120. Being thrilled in body and delighted in heart, they felt privileged and lucky
and were overwhelmed with the warmth of surging affections and endearments for the
groom. Those Kamdeo-like beauties walked majestically and gracefully like an
elegant and proud she-elephant. They went to do ‘Parichan’ (i.e. worshipping,
showing honours and formally welcoming) of the groom. (119)
Beholding the groom to be of a fair complexion like the moon with a radiantly
glowing body/countenance, the mother-in-law (Maina) was literally drowned in an
ocean of happiness and joy as she performed the groom’s Arti (i.e. as she showed
lighted lamps to Lord Shiva as part of the ritual).^1 (120)
[Note—^1 See Chanda no. 14 below.]

lq[k fla/kq exu mrkfj vkjfr dfj fuNkoj fujf[k dSA

exq vj?k clu çlwu Hkfj ysb pyha eaMi gjf"k dSAA

fgeoku nhUgsa mfpr vklu ldy lqj luekfu dSA

rsfg le; lkt lekt lc jk[ks lqeaMi vkfu dSAA14AA

sukha sindhu magana utāri ārati kari nichāvara nirakhi kai.
magu aragha basana prasūna bhari lē'i calīṁ maṇḍapa haraṣi kai.
himavāna dīnhēṁ ucita āsana sakala sura sanamāni kai.

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