The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
Hkw"ku clu le; le lksHkk lks HkyhA

lq"kek csfy uoy tuq :i Qyfu QyhAA125AA

dggq dkfg iVrfj; xkSfj xqu :ifgA

fla/kq dfg; dsfg Hkk¡fr lfjl lj dwifgAA126AA

bhūṣana basana samaya sama sōbhā sō bhalī.
suṣamā bēli navala janu rūpa phalani phalī. 125.
kahahu kāhi paṭatariya gauri guna rūpahi.
sindhu kahiya kēhi bhām̐ti sarisa sara kūpahi. 126.

125-126. Magnificent ornaments and garments befitting the occasion looked very
charming on the bride’s body as if a new creeper (symbolizing the bride) of majestic
beauty has been liberally endowed with fruits and flowers (symbolizing the ornaments
and clothes) that covered it from one end to another. (125)
Say, with whom can one compare the beauty, charm and glamour as well as
the virtues and good characters of Gauri (Parvati)? How can one call the ocean as
being equivalent (or comparable) to a river, a pond, lake or a well? [Here, the ocean
represents the beauty of the bride, and all other comparisons to her to the
inconsequential water bodies such as ponds and lakes.]^1 (126)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 6 and 8 that precede
Doha no. 100.]

vkor mefg fcyksfd lhl lqj ukofgaA

Hko ÑrkjFk tue tkfu lq[k ikofgaAA127AA

fcç csn /kqfu djfga lqHkkfl"k dfg dfgA

xku fulku lqeu >fj volj yfg yfgAA128AA

āvata umahi bilōki sīsa sura nāvahiṁ.
bhava kṛtāratha janama jāni sukha pāvahiṁ. 127.
bipra bēda dhuni karahiṁ subhāsiṣa kahi kahi.
gāna nisāna sumana jhari avasara lahi lahi. 128.

127-128. When the Gods saw that Uma (Parvati) was coming to the venue, they
bowed their heads (in reverence); they considered themselves and their birth as being
most lucky, successful and fortunate.^1 (127)
The Brahmins chanted the hymns of the Vedas and blessed the couple^2. There
are felicitous songs and sounding of the musical drums as well as showering of
flowers every other moment^3. (128)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 7 that precedes Doha
no. 100.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 4 that precedes Doha no.
(^3) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 5 that precedes Doha no.

cj nqyfgfufg fcyksfd ldy eu gjlfgaA

lk[kksPpkj le; lc lqj eqfu fcglfgaAA129AA

yksd csn fcf/k dhUg yhUg ty dql djA
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