Even in Shiva’s abode in Mt. Kailash, there is a banayan tree under which he sits
to rest and meditate—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 6-7 that
precede Doha no. 58.
The banayan tree is the preferred one where saints and sages used to preach. It
has a broad girth and a wide area covered by its shadow. Even the saintly crow
Kaagbhusund used to tell the divine story of Lord Ram under the shadow of a huge
banayan tree—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Uttar Kand, Chaupai line nos. 7-8 that
precedes Doha no. 57. Once, Shiva had himself gone to hear Lord Ram’s story at
Kaagbhusund’s place (Uttar Kand, Doha no. 57 along with its preceding Chauapi line
nos. 7-10).
(^3) Shiva has already warned Sati to be careful as to how she tests the reality of
Lord Ram. Sati should use ‘wisdom, intelligence and prudence’, and not do anything
that violates the basic tenets of Dharma. But the irony is that she was so deluded that
she did—one, she assumed the form of Sita to cheat Lord Ram (Baal Kand, Doha no.
52), and second she came back and told lies to her husband (Baal Kand, Chaupai line
no. 5 that precedes Doha no. 56).]
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calīṁ satī siva āyasu pā'ī. karahiṁ bicāru karauṁ kā bhā'ī. 4.
Thus, after getting the orders from Lord Shiva, Sati went to test the truth and reality
about Lord Ram. But she was so confused that she did not know how to do it. So on
the way she kept pondering, ‘What should I do now?’ (4)
[Note—Sati has shown lack of wisdom from the very beginning. First and foremost,
she could not pick up the truth inspite of hearing the discourse between the learned
sage Agastya and Lord Shiva—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line
no. 7 that precedes Doha no. 51.
Then she did not believe her own husband inspite of knowing that Shiva was the
most exalted God of creation, and that he never says a lie—refer: Ram Charit Manas,
Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 5-6 that precede Doha no. 50; and Chaupai line no. 3
that precedes Doha no. 51.
Thirdly, when Shiva told her to go and find out the truth herself in a wise manner,
she should have at least asked him to guide her how best to test the truth about Lord
Ram-but she didn’t do it. This is because she had already doubted the wisdom and
had questioned the intelligence of Shiva.]
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ihām̐ sambhu asa mana anumānā. dacchasutā kahum̐ nahiṁ kalyānā. 5.
mōrēhu kahēṁ na sansaya jāhīṁ. bidhi biparīta bhalā'ī nāhīṁ. 6.
hō'ihi sō'i jō rāma raci rākhā. kō kari tarka baṛhāvai sākhā. 7.
Back here (from where Sati had left Lord Shiva sitting under the banayan tree), Lord
Shambhu (Shiva) concluded that Sati is bound to commit some mischief and suffer its
consequences. He thought, ‘The daughter of Daksha^1 cannot have any welfare