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pūjahiṁ prabhuhi dēva bahu bēṣā. rāma rūpa dūsara nahiṁ dēkhā. 3.
avalōkē raghupati bahutērē. sītā sahita na bēṣa ghanērē. 4.
sō'i raghubara sō'i lachimanu sītā. dēkhi satī ati bha'īṁ sabhītā. 5.
All of the gods in their different forms were worshipping the same Lord (Sri Ram).
Sati did not see different forms of Lord Ram as she had seen the gods in myriad of
forms. [That is, though she saw many forms of different gods and goddesses, she saw
only one universal form of Lord Ram whom all the gods and goddesses were
worshipping.] (3)
Though she saw many images of Raghupati (Lord Ram) with Sita [as narrated
in Chaupai line nos. 4-6 that precede Doha no. 54 herein above], yet all these images
had the same attire and forms. [In other words, though Sati could see countless images
of Lord Ram and Sita in every direction she looked, yet all these physical forms of the
Lord and Sita were exactly alike, though the gods who worshipped them had
variations in their physical forms and attires.]^1 (4)
Hence, when Sati saw with amazement this magical sight wherein she could
see countless images of Lord Ram and Sita but all of them were exactly similar to
each other, she became absolutely perplexed and scared^2. (5)
[Note—^1 This miracle of seeing one uniform image of Lord Ram everywhere was
experienced by the crow saint Kaagbhusund also as narrated in detail in Ram Charit
Manas, Uttar Kand, Doha nos. 80—81. More specifically, Kaagbhusund had also
seen one form of Lord Ram wherever he had gone—refer: Uttar Kand, Doha no. 81
Kaagbhusund had wondered in many universes, and in each of these worlds he
saw the same awe-inspiring wonderous sight as Sati has seen here in our present
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hṛdaya kampa tana sudhi kachu nāhīṁ. nayana mūdi baiṭhīṁ maga māhīṁ. 6.
bahuri bilōkē'u nayana ughārī. kachu na dīkha taham̐ dacchakumārī. 7.
Sati’s heart trembled (with fear) and she lost awareness of her senses (body). She
(was so scared and dazed by what she saw that she) shut her eyes close and sat down
in the middle of the path^1. (6)
After some time she gathered herself and collected her senses, and then
opened her eyes only to find that she could not see anything any more^2. (7)
[Note—^1 Sati felt giddy and reeled under the influence of the stunning things she saw.
She felt numbed in her senses, and thought that she was hallucinating. She feared that
she has lost her mind or was seeing some terrifying ghosts. Feeling that she will faint
and fall down unconscious if she continued to walk further, she closed her eyes and
sat down in the middle of the road.
(^2) Well now, this verse has two obvious meanings:—
(i) Sati was so stunned that when she opened her eyes after some time, she could
not see properly as happens when a person suffers from some sort of severe mental
shock and his or her nerves become temporarily paralysed.
(ii) The miracle of countless stunning images of Lord Ram and Sita being served
by as many countless forms of gods, goddesses, mystics, sages and creatures