kachu na parīchā līnhi gōsā'īṁ. kīnha pranāmu tumhārihi nā'īṁ. 2.
jō tumha kahā sō mṛṣā na hō'ī. mōrēṁ mana pratīti ati sō'ī. 3.
Sati told a lie to Shiva. She told him—‘Oh Lord! I have not tested him (Lord Ram) in
any way. I just bowed my head before him like you had done. (2)
Indeed oh Lord, whatever you had said is the truth, and I am fully convinced
of it. [Or, whatever you say cannot be wrong, and I have firm faith in my Mana (mind
and heart) regarding the truthfulness of your words.]’ (3)
[Note—Sati has said two blatant lies here: One is that she did not test Lord Ram,
which she had actually done, and another is that she has full faith in the truthfulness
of Lord Shiva’s words, which she hadn’t.
She could have said instead that she did not test Lord Ram because though she
had her doubts about the divine aspect of the Lord in the beginning but by the time
she reached him she thought over the matter and decided that Shiva cannot tell
something that is wrong, and therefore she had aborted her test and came back to him.
That would have somewhat eased the intensity of her lies.]
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taba saṅkara dēkhē'u dhari dhyānā. satīṁ jō kīnha carita sabu jānā. 4.
Then Lord Shiva closed his eyes and contemplated in order to see beyond the visible
spectrum of sight^1. In this transcendental state of the mind he came to know whatever
Sati had done. (4)
[Note—^1 It is well known that Lord Shiva is the patron deity of ascetics, and remains
perpetually submerged in deep meditation and contemplation. The Upanishads
dealing with Yoga tell us that in this state of existence, the person acquires a state of
transcendental consciousness when he goes above and beyond the gross and mundane
level of existence to reach a higher state to observe things in their real form from a
neutral and detached perspective.
Transcendental state of consciousness obtained by practicing Yoga and Dhyan
(meditation and contemplation) enables the viewer to rise above the grossness and the
mundane plane of physical existence in this world to get a truthful and honest picture
of any given thing or situation from a higher viewing point that lends the viewer to
have a broader bird’s eye perspective which is untainted by worldly pre-conceived
ideas, and is not distorted by the grossness of the various organs of perception of the
viewer’s physical body when the same thing or situation is observed from the
physical plane limited to this gross world.
Since Lord Shiva is expert in meditation and contemplation, he immediately
employed this tool to find out the truth. When he saw Sati, her fidgety behaviour,
demeanours and countenance clearly indicated to him that there was something
wrong, and Sati was not telling him the truth. There was no use in trying to extract the
truth from her by either persuasion or threat. So it’s better to investigate the matter
himself, he thought, and the best way to do it was to contemplate or do “Dhyan”.]
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bahuri rāmamāyahi siru nāvā. prēri satihi jēhiṁ jhūm̐ṭha kahāvā. 5.
Having realised the truth, Shiva bowed his head to Lord Ram’s Maya (delusion
creating powers) which is so powerful that it had provoked Sati to tell lies. (5)