4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

allocate [aelakeit] v.

To allocate something means to put it aside for a certain purpose or person.
-» The government allocated $100 m illion to aid the disaster relief effort.

appetizing [aepitaizirj] adj.
When food is appetizing, it looks and smells very good.
—» The appetizing plate o f cookies was gone in h a lf an hour.

blizzard [Wizard] n.
A blizzard is a severe snow storm with strong winds.
—► We d id not dare to go outside during the terrible blizzard.

cavity [kaavati] n.
A cavity is a hole or space in something.
—► There was a small cavity in the wall o f the cave where an animal lived.

c l o c k w i s e [klakwaiz] adv.
If something moves clockwise, it moves in a circle in the same direction as a clock.
—* Turn the screw clockwise to tighten it.

concentric [kansentrik] adj.
When circles or rings are concentric, they have the same center.
—* The target was a series o f concentric circles.

courtesy [ko:rtasi] n.
Courtesy is the excellence of manners or social conduct.
—► Jenna always behaves with great courtesy when people visit her home.

Crisp [krisp] adj.
When food is crisp, it is hard or has a hard surface in a way that is pleasant.
—► My favorite snack is a bag o f crisp, delicious potato chips.

discord [disko:rd] n.
Discord is disagreement or fighting between people.
—► There was much discord between the experts on the talk show.

frigid [frid 3 id] adj.
When something is frigid, it is extremely cold.
—» We decided not to go on the hike because the weather was too frigid.
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