4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1


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analogy [anaelad3i] n.
An analogy is a connection made between things to show that they are similar.
-» The doctor made an analogy between the human heart and a water pump.


ancestry [sensestri] n.
A person’s ancestry is the series of people from whom a person descended.
—* M/e studied our ancestry and found out that we are related to royalty.

archer [dxtfar] n.
An archer is a person who uses a bow and arrows.
—* The expert archer h it the target every time.

c o n s p i r a c y [kanspirasi] n.
A conspiracy is a secret plan made by a group of people to do something illegal.
—* Some people think that there was a conspiracy to kill American president John KenneA

deputy [depjati] n.
A deputy is the second-highest-ranking person in a business or government.
—* While the s h eriff was ill, the deputy took over his duties.

earl [a:rl] n.
An earl is a nobleman from Britain.
-» The Earl o f Canterbury lived in a huge mansion.

fragrant [fragrantly.—
When something is fragrant, it has a pleasant smell.
—► The g irl picked delicious berries and fragrant flowers.

funnel [fAni] n.
A funnel is an object with a wide top and a narrow bottom for pouring liquids.
—*• The worker used a funnel when he poured the o il into the engine.

hereditary [hiredateri] adj.
If something is hereditary, it is a trait passed onto children from their parents.
—* The hereditary disease affected three generations o f children.

hymn [him] n.
A hymn is a religious song that often praises a god.
—> The book was fille d with hymns that the worshippers sang.
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