4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1


Choose the answer that best fits the question.

  1. If vou invert a bottle, vou
    a. drink from it b. wash it with soap c. turn it upside down d.drop it

  2. Which of the following would most likely require the use of a funnel?
    a. Snow b. Books c. Carrots d. Water

  3. What is a wolfs prey?
    a. Its pups b. Its den c. Its food d. Its ally

  4. Which is hereditary?
    a. Place of birth b. Eye color c. Favorite foods d. Hobbies

  5. If something is fragrant, vou
    a. like to smell it b. want to eat it c. try to end it d. want to sing it

  6. Who uses seasoning at work?
    a. A teacher b. A chef c. A builder d. An electrician

  7. Which of the following describes a kind of deputy?
    a. A supervisor b. A CEO c. A vice president d.A Manager

  8. What is made from sodium?
    a. Furniture b. Salts c. Toys d. Soda

  9. Where would you most likely hear a hymn?
    a. At work b. Underwater c. At the zoo d.In a church

  10. If vour brother is sarcastic, he
    a. wants to hit you b. insults you c. betrays you d.is ill

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank.

.........................................................4 Wnrd Bank )................................................
prey hereditary tyrant procession vinegar
fragrant seasoning hymns archer earls

One ingredient in the recipe is a small amount of 1 _________
Then you need to pour in a pint of 2 ______________.

She can play many instruments and sing many 3 ___________
Her mother is a good musician, too. Her talent must be 4 ____
The hunter was a very talented 5 ______________.
He only needed one arrow to shoot his 6______________.

Everyone lined up to take part in the 7 ______________.
We marched to honor the king and the noble 8____________
When it came to keeping the house clean, his mother was a 9.
She punished him if his room did not smell very 10 _________

Exercise 2

Exercise 1

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