Ward List
advocate [aedvakeit] v.
To advocate a plan or idea is to support or suggest it in public.
—» The group advocated increased spending on education and schools.
authorize [5:earaiz] v.
To authorize something means to give permission for it.
—» The mayor authorized the construction o f a new statue in the park.
Civilian [siviljan] n. 1
A civilian is someone who is not in the military.
- It was Todd’s job to keep civilians from entering the army facility.
commodity [kamddati] n.
A commodity is something that can be bought or sold.
—► Fran’s uncle made most o f his money trading commodities.
conquest [karjkwest] n.
A conquest is an event by which one country takes over another country.
—► After the conquest, the people o f the small city had no freedom.
d is c lo s e [disklouz] v.
To disclose something means to tell it to someone else.
- John came home late, so he had to disclose his activities to his wife.
dynamics [dainaemiks] n.
The dynamics of a situation are the way that parts of it affect each other.
—► A good psychologist needs to know a lot about the dynamics o f brain disorders.
enroll [enroul] v.
To enroll in something is to put one’s name on a list as a member of a group.
—► The students had to enroll in the class one semester in advance.
envious [envias] adj.
When someone is envious, they want something that another person has.
—► They were envious o f their neighbor’s front yard.
euphoria [ju:f 5 :ria] n.
Euphoria is a feeling of extreme happiness.
—► The athlete fe lt euphoria after he won the im portant game.